A View From Above

This is Ron with your Motivational Message:

As I sat in the radiant warmth of the summer sun, I began recalling experiences from summers past.  I thought back to the moment, in precious memory of my hero, Kevin, when his mother asked me if I was going to go up in the hot air balloon that sat on the Camp Attitude property.  I said, “You gotta be kidding me—I’m terrified of heights.”  Some dear friends had brought the balloon to the camp for the kids.  The colors of the balloon made for a marvelous sight.  The balloon was tethered to the ground allowing rides to the treetops.  This gave kids with disabilities a wonderful experience; an opportunity to have a first-time view from above the trees!

I assumed that the children would line up with excitement and anticipation for such a ride.  To my disappointment, when the hot air balloon was ready, not many kids were up for the venture.  It became apparent to me that if it was “meant to be,” then it was “up with me.”  I asked my dad and brother to lift me out of my chair and sling me up and over the basket that dangled below the balloon.  I sat on a small stool while someone held me in an upright position.  I must admit, I was glad I had a leg-bag, or I would have wet myself when the fire thundered and elevated the balloon.    Thank God that the ropes would only allow us to reach 50 feet!

On the count of three, I opened my eyes and gazed over the tops of the majestic pine.  I could see the river as it flowed below the mountains.  I was completely awestruck by the amazing view.  The rapid beat of my heart, coupled with this first-time experience was a total rush.  Not much later I sat strapped in my wheelchair yelling, “How cool was that?”  Then it happened–one-by-one my little friends lined up and were lifted from their chairs for an experience of a lifetime.

I broke down in tears as I watched Kevin signal with his eyes that he was ready for his turn.  His mother, a true angel, disconnected his ventilator and attached his air bag as his paralyzed body was seated in the basket.  We all watched in amazement while his mother timely squeezed breaths of air into his lungs as they drifted into the blue sky.  Even though Kevin was paralyzed from his nose down, I could see his eyes quickly glancing from left to right as he, too, took in the breathtaking view.

In reflection of this moment, I realized if I had not overcome my fear of heights that day and ventured into that balloon, none of the children would have experienced such an extraordinary ride.  We all talked about it for weeks.  I do believe that this is one of the memories that shines the brightest over the last 50 years of my life and I thank the good Lord for the courage to go beyond my self-induced limitation.

Do you have a fear today?  Is there something that you should overcome?  I encourage you to go beyond your fear; to take a chance, it just might change your life.  Imagine, the power of a positive impact that your decision could have on the lives of others.

You must see this video!


If you cannot view the video, please click here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PAcNfaTemB4

To your inspiration,


If you would like to see more of the balloon rides, and learn more about Ron, don’t hesitate to pick up a copy of the documentary: https://www.ronheagy.com/shop-books-videos.php

Posted in Ron's Thoughts.


  1. Awesome! I love your stories! I used to drive by that camp….saw the big smiley face and always wondered…”What is THAT camp for?” Now I know….it’s a camp for dreams to come true. Ron, you’re a HUGE inspiration to all. Your stories make me realize….”Things could be worse.” Thank you for everything you do! God bless, my friend.

  2. Love the way you turn your experiences into such great messages and what you have done with your camp is just awesome. I crewed for several years up in Alaska for some of my hot air balloon friends and have jumped out on several occasions with my parachute what a great time. For these kids to be able to experience this is a great testament on your part.

  3. Wonderful Inspirational video & such a great experience for the kids/Kevin! I’m sure they will remember this Amazing ride the rest of their lives! Thankyou Ron -you’re such a fantastic mentor & Inspiration to all of us for Sure!! Miracle Bless’ins My Buddy -4-U-Family & the Kids! Brent Wendell Williams- http://www.brentactor.info/

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