Update From Ron

I hope this letter finds you well. I know we are facing challenging times to various degrees so I thought I would write to you and give you a couple good words. The proverbs say "a good word is medicine to the heart." After watching the news, looking at the bills I couldn't pay, and realizing my future income was in decay I went to bed feeling a bit down (ok, a lot down). As I finally drifted off to sleep questions like "Why do we have to face so many trials, and can't I just have a time of rest?" went through my head. I work hard when will it pay off? When I woke up the next day my caregiver turned on the radio I listened to positive encouraging messages, the course of one particular song said "there is a light at the end of the tunnel for me, for me." I don't know why it made such an impact but it's true. There is always a ray of hope, a light of truth in the mist of dark circumstance. So, what was I going to do about my ray of hope? Well if you know me I will create some crazy idea. "Hence comith forth the conception of the HOPE ROD." On the weekend of June 14th I will be the first man paralyzed from the neck down to drive a car with only the use of his teeth. I have dreamed of driving a car again and for 29 years I have searched for the technology that would enable me to do so… I have found it. Thanks to David, owner of Dignified Motors in Phoenix, AZ and his team I now have a car with the technology to drive. The car is a 1968 Firebird. The owner Ron Philips has given me the use of his car in order to accomplish this incredible task. Ron and Michael Peters have developed The Quad Squad, a group of people that are working together to make this all possible. Please join The Quad Squad by going to www.thequadsquad.net. You could even buy a t-shirt and become a piece of this historical event. The purpose of the hope rod is to bring hope to the wounded, the hurting, and the broken spirits. This car will be the Vehicle to bring my message of inspiration and enthusiasm to the world. Instead of feeling sorry for my own circumstance I decided to help others see a positive light in the mist of their problems. There is hope; you do not have to give up. Take that ray of hope today and turn it into sun shine. Let's get off our behinds and do something even if it is small. And in the end this will change the world, YOU have the power to change the world, your life counts, you have a purpose. Thank you for allowing me to share my life with you. Please e-mail me back at office@ronheagy.com or visit my website at www.rollonron.com or www.thequadsquad.net. If you know anyone who would be interested in having me speak please contact us. Ron Heagy – Never Give Up

Please Help! I need your support!

Hi friend, it's Ron Heagy, The reason for this email is that I'm looking for connections for speaking opportunities in the Phoenix Arizona area with Schools, Churches and Businesses. I will be in Arizona from February 17th through the 26th. I will again be in Arizona April 27th through May 6th. Please see the following proposal….it will make you smile!! Hi to all! I wanted to share this new crazy idea with you, in case you are able to help or if you know of some people that can help make it possible. I have been on a "ride" for the past 28 years in my wheelchair but I have not had the true impact on our country and youth that I feel God wants me to have. I have tried to get on some National TV shows to provide hope and inspiration, but I have found that simply typing with a stick in my teeth, graduating college, getting a Master's degree, becoming a mouth painter, building a camp for disabled children, speaking to wounded soldiers, speaking to almost 3,000,000 kids who have said "thank you for saving my life!", authoring two books and even getting married and having a "miracle baby" is just not news worthy. My new idea is to take America on a whole different "ride" to get their attention. We have kept this idea quiet until we got everything in place but now, as my friend, I am giving you the "green light" to share this idea with anyone you know who may want to help. The "green light" is a great introduction, because when the light turns green, I will be behind the wheel of a restored classic hot rod!! I will be the very first COMPLETE quadriplegic to drive a car at least 100 mph with just the movement of my head. I already have the car donated and I have top engineers working on a way for me to drive it. My main objective is to bring "hope to the wounded." The soldiers returning from Iraq, people with disabilities, and teenagers all need inspiration, motivation, and positive role models. One of my marketing ideas is to use the phrase from the hit song "I can't drive 55" and I challenge it by saying; "WHO SAYS I CAN'T?" In fact, I will DOUBLE it!! Imagine the headlines: "Quad Drives Rod- over 100mph"! Other 'quads' can drive because they have some movement in their arms/limbs, but I will be the first COMPLETE Quad to drive with just my head. I even guarantee a tire smoking burnout!! In my lifetime, I have dealt with many people who have said: "Ron you CAN'T do that," but I believe that with God ALL things are possible. When the doctors said: "You can't breathe without a ventilator tube". I did. Schools told me I could never go to college by typing with a stick in my teeth. I did. "You can never paint with a brush in your mouth." I did. "You will never get a Masters degree. I did. "You can't build a camp for disabled kids, you don't have any money." We did. "You can't write a book." They were right… I wrote TWO of them! "No one will marry you in that chair." She did! Doctors said, "You will never have a baby." We did!  Our immediate financial need is for $ to continue to get the car updated. I am asking you to consider joining my Quad Squad team and any amount that you could help with would be a blessing to help us finish the "hope rod".   I also plan on seeking major sponsorships from corporations and I envision national exposure on shows such as DISCOVERY CHANNEL, MTV and THE LEARNING CHANNEL which will bring great recognition to our sponsors. In summary, life is about choices. Instead of just "stepping out in faith", I am choosing to "roll onto the track." I hope that you will choose to come along for the ride and be part my team so that together we can say….. "WE did it!"  I will be happy to share more of the details with you. Please call me personally with your thoughts on my cell at 541-990-7411. Thank you again for your prayers and support! With love and blessings~ Ron Heagy Jr. http://www.RollOnRon.com PS If you have connections that we can network with, please let me know. I need your HELP!  And check out more at http://www.RollOnRon.com PPS I will be in Arizona for the purpose of learning to drive a '68 Firebird Hot Rot. I will be the first "quad" to drive with just the use of my head. This is turning into a major media Human Interest story. The 23rd, 24th and 25th of February I will be with the car to get the technology wrapped around my head to try to get the hang of all this. Anyone who might have an HD camera to get footage of me getting fitted into this car would also be greatly appreciated. I'm really hoping to document the whole thing from beginning to end. Please contact me if you are interested in seeing me drive again after 29 years.

Ron’s crazy ideas…………………

February 4, 2009


Hi friend, it’s Ron Heagy.  The reason for this email is that I’m looking for connections for speaking opportunities in the Phoenix Arizona area with Schools, Churches and Businesses.  I will be in Arizona from February 17th through the 26th.  I will again be in Arizona April 27th through May 6th.  Please see the following proposal….it will make you smile!! 

    June 8, 2008HiI wanted to share this new crazy idea with you, in case you are able to help or if you know of some people that can help make it possible.    I have been on a “ride” for the past 28 years in my wheelchair but I have not had the true impact on our country and youth that I feel God wants me to have.   I have tried to get on some National TV shows to provide hope and inspiration, but I have found that simply typing with a stick in my teeth, graduating college, getting a Master’s degree, becoming a mouth painter, building a camp for disabled children, speaking to wounded soldiers, speaking to almost 3,000,000 kids who have said “thank you for saving my life!”, authoring two books and even getting married and having a “miracle baby” is just not news worthy.  My new idea is to take America on a whole different “ride” to get their attention.   We have kept this idea quiet until we got everything in place but now, as my friend, I am giving you the “green light” to share this idea with anyone you know who may want to help.  The “green light” is a great introduction, because when the light turns green, I will be behind the wheel of a restored classic hot rod!!   I will be the very first COMPLETE quadriplegic to drive a car at least 100 mph with just the movement of my head.  I already have the car donated and I have top engineers working on a way for me to drive it.  My main objective is to bring “hope to the wounded.”  The soldiers returning from Iraq, people with disabilities, and teenagers all need inspiration, motivation, and positive role models.       One of my marketing ideas is to use the phrase from the hit song “I can’t drive 55” and I challenge it by saying; “WHO SAYS I CAN’T?”  In fact, I will DOUBLE it!!  Imagine the headlines: “Quad Drives Rod- over 100mph”!   Other ‘quads’ can drive because they have some movement in their arms/limbs, but I will be the first COMPLETE Quad to drive with just my head.  I even guarantee a tire smokin burnout!!      In my lifetime, I have dealt with many people who have said:  “Ron you CAN’T do that,” but I believe that with God ALL things are possible.  ·        When the doctors said: “You can’t breathe without a ventilator tube”.   I did. ·        Schools told me I could never go to college by typing with a stick in my teeth. I did.·        “You can never paint with a brush in your mouth.”   I did.  ·        “You will never get a Masters degree.  I did.  ·        “You can’t build a camp for disabled kids, you don’t have any money.”  We did.·        “You can’t write a book.”  They were right… I wrote TWO of them!  J  ·        “No one will marry you in that chair.”  She did!  J  ·        Doctors said, “You will never have a baby.”     We did!  J   Our immediate financial need is for $25,000 to continue to get the car updated.  I am asking you to consider joining my Quad Squad team and any amount that you could help with would be a blessing to help us finish the “hope rod”.    I also plan on seeking major sponsorships from corporations and I envision national exposure on shows such as DISCOVERY CHANNEL, MTV and THE LEARNING CHANNEL which will bring great recognition to our sponsors.  In summary, life is about choices.  Instead of just “stepping out in faith”, I am choosing to “roll onto the track.”  I hope that you will choose to come along for the ride and be part my team so that together we can say…..   “WE did it!”  JI will be happy to share more of the details with you.  Please call me personally with your thoughts on my cell at 541-990-7411.  Thank you again for your prayers and support!   With love and blessings~RonRon Heagy Jr.   PS   If you have connections that we can network with, please let me know.    

I will be in Arizona for the purpose of learning to drive a ’68 Firebird Hot Rot.  I will be the first “quad” to drive with just the use of my head.  This is turning into a major media Human Interest story.  The 23rd, 24th and 25th of February I will be with the car to get the technology wrapped around my head to try to get the hang of all this.  Anyone who might have an HD camera to get footage of me getting fitted into this car would also be greatly appreciated.  I’m really hoping to document the whole thing from beginning to end.  Please contact me if you are interested in seeing me drive again after 29 years.


Thanks again,


November 2008 Newsletter

Thank you so much for signing up for my electronic newsletter!

It is people like you that make it possible for Kelli, Gracie and I to hit the road and to keep rolling on.

There are so many things to tell you,  it would be impossible to tell you all of them. I know one thing for sure that God loves you and has a purpose and a plan for your life. My life is definitely a reminder that God can use the “weakest” member of society, to accomplish great things.

If you have heard me speak you know that I believe that our lives are hinged, by the attitudes we choose.

Today is your day to begin anew to turn loses into gains, heartache to laughter, pain for persistence and a smile to boot!

If you can do it, then together we can accomplish great things. I believe in you, and I know you believe in me.

The following quote is from a girl who heard me speak 5 yrs. ago.

“I was up late last night, and my mind began to worry and fret about all the things in my life. I wanted something positive in my life to show me that there is still hope. And for some reason, don’t ask me why, I went to my closet, opened the door and looked up. There on the shelf was the smiley face, plush toy that you signed for me. I immediately remembered things that you had said 5 yrs earlier, that Life is an Attitude and we should never give up. I couldn’t believe I remembered that, especially when I cannot even remember what I ate yesterday. Thank you all you do and for reminding me for all these years, that there is something positive to live for.”

As Kelli read this to me, late one night in our living room, after a financially challenging day, I started to tear up and said to my wife, “This is why we do what we do, even when it gets hard.”

I hope the story inspires you as much as it does me. Never underestimate the power you have to change and possibly save another person’s life. I challenge you in the midst of the world’s chaos, from the political propaganda and your own daily struggles, to remember that your own life counts.

So when you get up tomorrow, ask God for wisdom, and go change the world. Because? YOU CAN! In closing, I want you to know that Kelli, Gracie and I have had a wonderful year. We have been all over the United States and have recently returned from London. Where I gave 16 speeches to thousands of people. Lives are in need of hopeful messages everywhere. Keep praying for us, specifically for health, necessary to maintain stamina for living on the road, for financial support to keep the wheels rolling, patience for my wife so she can deal with my out of control creative brain.

FYI Kelli’s Birthday is December 19th. She will be 28. Opps maybe ten years older. She and I just celebrated our 5th year anniversary at a restaurant, in the tower of London, overlooking the London Bridge.

Gracie will be 4 on January 14th and continues to be daddy’s little Cinderella. She is such a wonderful traveler.

Jessi turned 15, and is becoming a beautiful woman. Not to mention a wonderful singer.

Mattie is 10 and continues to have a bubbly personality, she makes friends with everybody.

Roni will be 9 in January. She is involved with many sports. Her favorite is dance.

My grandma, Ruth Heagy, turned 90 last month and all 45 of her children, grand children, great grand children celebrated it with her. I remain to be her favorite grandson.

We celebrated my mother’s first birthday since she has gone to be with the Lord. It is so hard not having her here. I miss her very much. Please pray for my dad, Ron Sr., after 50yrs you can imagine how lonely he is.

Many of my friends have asked how they can help. I say please “support the ministry”, Never Give Up.

They respond, no, “How do we help you and your family?” The truth is my medical needs are extreme and there are a lot of costs associated to being in a wheelchair and needing 24 hour care. Kelli does so much, going beyond the call of duty most of the time, but she can’t do it all. 

Therefore in response to the question, “How do we help you?” we have established a tax deductable fund where you can make donations that directly help us with medical needs.

Your donations will be held in the National Transplant Assistance Fund(NTAF), and can be distributed to us from there to cover medical expenses. NTAF is well organized and has helped people for many years raise funds for medical expenses after a catastrophic injury. 

If you are interested in making a donation to help us directly, simply make checks payable to NTAF, and mail them to us at PO Box 972 Albany, OR 97321. Or go on to www.transplantfund.org to make a credit card donation.

All donations are tax deductable and are strictly maintained. You will recieve a reciept for your donation from NTAF.

On another note…don’t forget to do your Christmas shopping on my website www.rollonron.com  My new smiley faces make great stocking stuffers and/or Christmas tree ornaments. (The new design has wheels instead of legs.)

Again words cannot express my appreciation for friends like you. Thanks for all you do and remember you are special so it is a good day to smile.

With much love and gratitude,

Ron, Kelli and Family.

What does Ron and a 68 Firebird have in common?

I have done some crazy things in my life but this has got to be the coolest idea of them all! 68 firebird

Check it out… I will be the first complete quad to drive a 68 hot firebird classic car with just the use of my head, that’s right “look mom no hands.”  Imagine the headlines,  “quad drives rod over 100 mph with just the use of his head.”

Come along for the ride! Be a member of the “quad squad” click here for a view of the Ron Heagy ride…  Help me make history and do something that has never been done before.

Our goal is to use the national exposure to bring  a message of Hope to the wounded!

Check out http://www.thequadsquad.net

Thank You For Your Financial Support!

Keli and I would like to thank you very much for your financial support, it is greatly appreciated.  We pray that the Lord will bless you 100 fold for your support of our ministry.

Please contact us with any questions you may have.

Ron Heagy

Ron Heagy Pleads To Never Give Up

For Immediate Release
Portland, OR, USA…There are millions of individuals with disabilities worldwide. Approximately 60 million live in America.  Ron Heagy was paralyzed from the neck down in a surfing accident at the age of 18.  For over 25 years, speaking from his wheelchair, he has inspired audiences of all ages, with his amazing story.  With an overcoming attitude, Ron has attained unbelievable success, in spite of enormous daily struggles.  Incredibly, Ron has taught himself to paint with a brush in his teeth, creating beautiful oil paintings.

Ron is a highly sought-after speaker.  He has spoken to millions of individuals internationally, delivering his message of hope, heart, and inspiration, and a reason to never give up. He states, “My goal is to assist everyone in choosing to turn negatives into positives, losses into gains, to become better, not bitter. I believe that life is an attitude and that we should never give up, no matter what the circumstances or situations in the past, present, or future. Make the decision to be all that you are meant to be. Everyone can succeed, and with the right attitude, determination, motivation, and inspiration, they will! It’s about your mind, spirit, emotion, and body. Society focuses mostly on body. It’s my goal to help each person to become a whole, balanced, and virtually unstoppable human being!” –quote by Ron

As an author of two published books, Life is An Attitude and Never Give Up,  Ron encourages his readers to be all that they can be.  Living his own life message, using a stick in his teeth to type, he received his master’s degree in social work (1992).  He was awarded Disabled Oregonian of the Year (1995).  He was commissioned to paint a poster for the Nike World Master Games (1998), produced an award-winning biographical documentary (2000), and received Congressional Business Man of the Year Award (2001). Ron has been featured in hundreds of publications,as well as on a program hosted by Martin Luther King III (that was scheduled to premier September 11, 2001 in New York City). In 2005, Ron and his wife Kelli, in spite of all odds, naturally conceived Gracie Lee.

Ron is the founder of Life Is An Attitude, Inc., a non-profit organization that provides adaptable equipment and modern technology to individuals with disabilities.  He has also designed and developed “Camp Never Give Up,” fully wheelchair accessible facilities enabled the disabled to experience the great outdoors.  In August of 2000, the first Camp became a reality in Oregon. Camp Maui is on its way.

“Ron Heagy Jr. is truly one of the most inspiring leaders I have ever met! Like my father, he has not allowed his circumstance to inhibit his impact. You are not the same after meeting Ron Heagy!” –quote Martin Luther King III

To contact, schedule or to receive additional information on Ron, you can visit his website at www.rollonron.com, email him at heagy@rollonron.com  or call our office at (541) 924-3985.

Thanks to Greg Writer & Children’s Educational Network

I wanted to thank my friend and supporter Greg Writer and his team at Children’s Educational Network.  He is a huge supporter of our mission and has had his team help build this new web site and continues to do everything he can to help me in my vision to inspire & motivate children!  Please support them by visiting www.ChildrensEducationalNetwork.com and www.ClubTUKI.com.

Children’s Educational Network (CEN) is building the premier, online community for children –The Ultimate Kids’ Internet” ™ or “TUKI” ™, – specifically designed to a  safer and more educational Internet experience for kids only accessible through CEN’s Kids Internet Browsers, a software program that includes parental controls. Through its multiple cartoon themes that appeal to kids of various ages and gender, TUKI offers fun, educational content that inspires and motivates children in a positive manner.

The software accelerates a child’s education and exploration of the Internet in an entertaining manner, while helping protect them from online predators, pornography, hate, violence, drugs and inappropriate content on the Internet. Other companies and organizations can participate in protecting kids on the Internet, expand their brand to the desktop and build customer loyalty by co-branding or offering their own private labeled TUKI Internet browser built on CEN’s technology. Partnership information: Children’s Educational Network, http://www.ChildrensEducationalNetwork.com, 760-233-2863.