Author Archive: Ron Heagy
Meeting Lucy
This is Ron with your Motivational Message,
In between doing speeches in early May, I was looking for a place to have a coffee, so my friend Jordan from Access Revolution in Canada and I drove into Lahaina. We spotted the Cannery – a shopping complex that had a Starbucks. I said to Jordan, “Let’s pull in here really quick.”
Jordan and I get out of the van and go in the store to grab of joe. I was the only person sitting outside near the patio tables because it was really hot that day. Jordan asks if I wanted to go into the mall but through the conversation she decides she will go walk around by herself. Since we have to get going soon anyways. I decide to just relax and enjoy the sunshine outside of Starbucks.
I was reclined back in my chair soaking up the rays when in my peripheral view I saw a lady with windblown hair walk up to a table outside of the coffee shop. I didn’t get a good look necessarily so I thought she might be homeless. Another lady came up with a long ponytail and sat down with her. I was listening in to there conversation as they start chatting and another guy walks up and sits with them. I hear the gentlemen say, “I just got done with a bible study and Dave shared.” I wondered if it was my friend Dave Blanton. I started to think if I should introduce myself but knowing me I would have just talked.
The lady that I assumed was homeless started talking about how excited she was that her family and daughters were coming for her birthday from the main land. As my thoughts drifted from their conversation, I turned to watch someone else. Jordan came back from window shopping and we were about to leave to go to my next speech when all of a sudden I was startled by someone saying, “Hey, how are you?” “I was watching you here.”
I recognized the voice as the lady with windblown hair came into my view. “Yeah to be honest, I was listening to you guys too.” As I admitted to eavesdropping.
She introduced herself as Lucy and continued to speak, “I just wanted to tell you my mother started a camp through the boys and girls club for kids with disabilities, so I grew up around many different disabilities.” She further explained how her mother also helped those with disabilities integrate into public schools.
“That’s so awesome; I would love to meet your mom!” I exclaimed. I asked if I could give her a brochure for camp can do Maui that I just got made. She took the brochure looked at it briefly and shoved it in her purse. As she gave me her card, we both went our separate ways to our vehicles.
I was getting loaded into the van, when Lucy and her husband Bob drove up to us and she said she accidentally took my water bottle. Lucy also said that she looked at Camp Can Do Maui’s brochure and was extremely interested in learning more. After we got back to the condo I thought it would be better to meet with her while we were on the island.
I had Jordan send her an email, In the email I said let’s get a cup of coffee or something. We didn’t realize that the email didn’t go through until Friday so I just invited her to the Board meeting on Saturday instead.
On Saturday, Bob and Lucy showed up to the board meeting at Peter’s house. I was so happy to see them. Lucy’s Husband-Bob shared about their daughter, who was born with a rare genetic disorder and fifteen months after she was born they lost their precious little baby. This was devastating to hear. But with the help of the Lord, they dealt with the pain and grief while staying together through it.
I gave a brief overview of my past with complete honesty about the camp and my divorce because I found it important to be open about my life. Lucy asked if I would come tomorrow to her church after she snapped a picture of us together.
I said yes, of course I would love to come to church. I asked Jordan if she wanted to take me to church and she said sure.
The next morning we get to this beautiful location on a golf course and we go under this large lanai. The church was called Harvest at Kumulani Chapel.Everyone started worshiping and singing. It moved Jordan and I to tears. Before they got started with the service, the pastor was on stage holding up my book. I felt my face get hot; Lucy had prepped everyone there on who I was. The message that day was doing the dream, staying on course, and doing what we are passionate about. Amazingly, about 5 people came up to talk to me that day about the camp and ways to get involved. It was incredible!
I couldn’t have done that without Lucy.
We are finally moving on and are excited. You never know how god is going to work in your life. So we keep moving and Never Giving UP.
If you are interested in getting involved in supporting Camp Can Do Maui.
There are many ways for you to be a part of our team! Send us an email if you would like to donate your time in some way.
As a fundraiser we are selling 11 X 14 giclee prints for a $30 donation or a Camp Can Do Maui T-shirt for $30 or both for $50 bucks!
You can donate directly on the fund page (generosity) or to Never Give Up.–3
I left to go to Maui discouraged that I couldn’t seem to get this moving as fast as I would it too. I was reminded on the trip through many divine unscheduled appointments that if I let go, and send it to god he will make this happen. And so this is what I am doing.
To Your inspirations,
Is it Possible to Paint an Egg with your Mouth?
This is Ron with your motivational Message,
Happy Easter! (He has risen)
I hope you and your family enjoyed your weekend with celebration, family and laughter. And maybe some egg painting.
I had the unique opportunity and privilege to share with my daughter’s school. There were hundreds of sixth, seventh, and eighth graders that filled the bleachers. Let’s just say they were on the active side, restless as they waited for their speaker. The chatter and outbursts from young boys making various sounds unknown to mankind while the girls giggled and laughed at them. As these silly boys tried to impress the girls, they were unaware of my presence hidden just below the bleachers.
They had no clue I was listening to their conversations. I must admit I felt a bit anxious; this was not just any school. This was my twelve year old daughter’s school and I wanted to do my best. Knowing my daughter was listening I was accountable for my words. I couldn’t make something up because she knows the truth of all my stories. The crowd began to calm as the principle introduced me. I am truly grateful for the principles who value the impact of a public speaker. Particularly when this principle had not heard me speak before. I give a big shout out of ‘Thank You!’ to all of you that have opened doors for my speaking presentations. I nudged my chair in gear with my chin and powered myself out to the microphone. Over a thousand eyeballs stared.
Silence could be felt as they leaned forward anticipating what in the world does this guy strapped into a metal monster have to say? I immediately grabbed their attention knowing that once I got them hooked I could reel them for 40 more minutes.
As I spoke about life, love, interdependence, and team work. Lifting up the souls of others and having faith in themselves and their peers. I also spoke about the enthusiasm for life and the attitude of gratitude. We laughed; we cried and at the end I asked for a volunteer….. Knowing I would hone in on my daughter and pluck her from the audience.
“Hey you in the green sweater come on out here and lend me a hand. You look like the cutest volunteer ever. LOOK HOW CUTE YOU ARE!” I said as she walked embarrassingly my way. She had that look of “Dad I am going to kill you” in her eyes. As she stood beside me, I felt deep emotion-this was a mega moment in my mind. Something that may not happen ever again, I fought the tears as I told the audience her story; of the miracle that god gave me-a biological child. What a proud moment this was for me.
I told the audience how proud I was to be a father, and having the opportunity to love both of my daughters. I asked the audience if Gracie was happy that I chose life. “My choice to live gave Gracie a chance to be born. Wow! Just think how your choices affect the lives of others. “
Although her mother and I are divorced I feel choosing to love regardless of my disability was the right thing no matter what could happen in relationships. And here was living proof. Imagine with me for a moment how the littlest things we do can affect the future or change it.
I explained to the crowd how Gracie and all of them can choose a positive attitude no matter what kind of disability they face.
Let’s take our eyes off of what we can’t do and pursue the things we can. Don’t live your life with regret Remember the ingredients for LIFE are 5 cups of Love, 3 cups of interdependence, a few tablespoons of Faith and sprinkled with Enthusiasm.
Won’t you celebrate life with me today?
I hope you enjoy the little video of Gracie and our creativity. It’s amazing what you can do when you put your heads together.
We celebrated Easter, which is the celebration of the resurrection of Christ. As history tells us he died and came back to life. I find life It is during the hard times, chaos and confusion that the spiritual life can give us hope and peace.
My wish for you today is a life filled with peace, passion, and perseverance.
To your inspirations,
Ron Heagy
The Day I broke my neck
This is Ron with your Motivational Message,
Why don’t you iron out shamrocks?
Because you don’t want to press your luck! haha…
And here is a picture of my latest painting,
Its a bee and a daisy flower it is called “save the bumble bee”
To your inspirations,
Merry Christmas to you and yours
This is Ron with your motivational message,
Merry Christmas to you and your loved ones.
I am reminded around the holidays how special and precious time can be with those we love.
I hope your Christmas is full of love, peace, laughter, and joy.
Click on the video below
Here’s my latest painting,
To your inspirations,
A Quadriplegic hikes Haleakala Crater in Maui
This is Ron with your motivational message,
I am burdened by the discouragement and depression of those who are paralyzed, instead of assisting someone in suicide. I ask you to help me demonstrate that there is another choice, to never give up and to enjoy life with or without a disability. I hope to inspire many young men and women to get out and explore our beautiful world regardless of the obstacles.
I am doing an exciting awareness and fundraising initiative to begin the building process for Camp Can Do Maui. Thanks to Friends and some local companies. We have raised $3500 out of the $5500 needed for the Haleakala Crater Hike. I am asking you my friends to be my sponsor, for a gift of $20 or more I will send you a Camp Can Do T-shirt.
Please take a moment to read about the hike and there are ways to donate at the bottom of the blog.
The Crater Conquest for Camp Can Do Maui
Conquest [kon-kwest, kong-] the winning of favor, affection, love…
Rim to Rim with Roll on Ron Heagy & Access Revolution
October 11th, 2016
The Vision
Camp Can Do Maui, the future site for the first barrier free & 100% fully wheelchair accessible camp has partnered with Access Revolution for a first of its kind hike. Using a trail-rider (a one wheel adaptive like wheelbarrow) they will hike 10 miles around the dormant volcano Haleakala to raise money and awareness for the Project
The Founder
Ron Heagy was paralyzed from the neck down at seventeen while surfing. Mr. Heagy is an internationally renowned speaker, father, mouth painter and author, as well as the founder of Never Give Up, a nonprofit organization that is dedicated to building and meeting the needs for outdoor accessibility. Ron plans to hike the stunning and extreme Rim to Rim with the use of a TrailRider (off-road wheelchair). This will be an exciting awareness and fundraising initiative to begin the building process for Camp Can Do Maui.
Camp Can Do
Camp Can Do will be located in the picturesque hills of Olowalu, Maui and will celebrate the Hawaiian culture and traditions. The village will offer an Agricultural Camping and recreational experience for children and adults living with physical disabilities. Can Do activities would include gardening, arts and crafts, adaptive hiking and water sports. Those attending the facility will be encouraged and empowered to build or develop dignity, self- confidence, and community. Participants would leave with a never give up attitude and integrating into their communities with positive potential and purposeful living.
Access Revolution
The partnering organization, Access Revolution, is a Canadian social impact organization that improves quality of life for those who live with disabilities by promoting access to the outdoors, recreation and connection to nature. Jordan Kerton, its founder, is a Recreation Therapist who specializes in outdoor adventure. She is an expert Sherpa and has coordinated and participated in many large-scale international expeditions with the TrailRider including Kilimanjaro, The Tetrahedron and the West Coast Trail. Jordan will be working closely with Ron, our team of Sherpas and the Park Rangers to ensure that this is a safe and successful experience for all.
The Plan
On October 13th, 2016 Ron and his team of Sherpas will begin their expedition after taking in the sunset and giving thanks from the summit of Haleakala. They will start the 11 mile journey at the top of Sliding Sands trail, take a break at Holua campground before heading through the field and up the switchback trail to Halemau’u.
The Equipment
The TrailRider is a lightweight, but strong, device that is ergonomically designed to maximize comfort. The TrailRider features a pneumatic tire to ease the ride and a highly reliable disc brake system for increased safety. With its one-wheel design, and ‘sherpas’ front and back, the TrailRider makes a minimal environmental impact. This design enables it to pass narrow trails, over obstacles and negotiate steep ground.
How To Get Involved
- Hike the hike! Go on this amazing first time experience with Ron. Together we will conquer the crater for a cause Text ‘Crater’ to 71777 to raise funds to go
- Donate your extra air miles, cash, or any other contributions Text ‘Ron’ to 91999 or contact us
- Help us spread awareness about the importance of accessibility and Share this excitement with your friends
- Get involved with Hawaii’s first wheelchair accessible outdoor camp dream-contact us or set up your own fundraising account Text ‘Crater’ to 71777
Another way to donate and scroll to the bottom of the page for one time donations:
Po Box 972
Albany, OR 97321
For more information please go to:
Jeri the quadriplegic Mermaid
This is Ron with your motivational message,
I remember the first time I met Jeri. Beautiful blonde hair with an amazing smile, she came up to me rather flirtatious and if I wasn’t in my wheelchair, I would have run the other direction. I found out later that was just her personality. She was very kind, loving and she knew no stranger. She was genuinely interested in people and their life stories.
I figured she might want a hug, and then I found out she too was a quadriplegic and that connected us instantly. Our Friendship was so special because we understood the same battle and had similar passions. Jeri and I quickly began to talk and relate about stories of caregivers, power wheelchairs, bowel, bladder, bed sores, and living life as a quadriplegic.
Jeri was strong, courageous and did not take no for an answer. For 20 years I can’t recall in all our conversations her being negative. She did however irritate the heck out of me trying to convince me to put my paralyzed body back into the ocean. It’s not that I am afraid of the ocean, even though I broke my neck there. I just don’t get very far swimming with my ears.
Jeri was in love with the ocean and loved to swim. I was amazed that she could pull it off, and did quite well. She died doing the very thing she loved, and Jeri was always at the beach smiling. She even seemed a little depressed if she couldn’t get in that water and swim. Jeri even used to refer to herself as a mermaid. She reminded me when I left the islands the last time I was there that we were pushing 70 years between the two of us being in a wheelchair; so we needed to get Camp Can Do Maui done. I said, “Well get off your butt and do something,” and she said, “Well get off your butt and get in the ocean!”
Jeri and I worshiped two Sons-The son of God, Jesus and the Sun in the sky. Jeri and I agreed we were solar powered. Every visit to the island was a competition to have the better tan. She loved helping those with disabilities overcome obstacles emotionally, spiritually, and physically. She had a vision for a place where those with disabilities had the opportunity to use adaptive exercise machines to stay in shape. A facility where there was fellowship, comradeship and a place to inspire each other. She wanted a individuals with disabilities to no longer feel isolated and alone, knowing that there are others that feel their pain and suffer with similar situations. Jeri shared my passion for helping people with disabilities enjoy the great outdoors particularly a wheelchair accessible ocean. Jeri was one of my biggest advocators of Camp Can Do.
I watched her on several occasions building people up, making them smile, and inspiring them to go beyond their limitations. Jeri was a people person, and had a wonderful ability to connect others. In fact she connected me with several individuals that have been instrumental for the camp. One of them being her friend Jordan Kerton from Canada a recreational therapist and an expert Sherpa. If it wasn’t for that meeting I wouldn’t have gotten familiar with Access Revolution- a social impact organization that promotes access to the outdoors. Jeri and Jordan helped me complete a dream of hiking Twin Falls in Maui. Jeri and her husband Dave were there cheering me on when I attempted my first ride in the trailrider- an adaptive hiking like wheelbarrow. I had a spectacular moment of excitement and exhilaration of accomplishing something that many people with mobility impairment never have the opportunity to do. Jeri was so excited to see me get out and do something wonderful such as experiencing a waterfall of Hawaii.
Twin Falls was absolutely gorgeous and I remember Jeri had gotten behind on the trail, and it probably made her mad. She was so excited for me, even though I left her in the dust. When I got back she was gone and I remember thinking I got to get together with her and didn’t get the chance to. When she passed on I was left feeling a little bit like I missed a moment that I should have taken advantage of. Which begs the question-are we making the most out of the time we are with friends and family? Realizing it could be the last time we see them. So make sure that you close your conversations with resolution and love. May we enjoy one another and have memories of all the good things.
Jeri was filled with joy, peace, and she radiated hope. She was one of the most active, fearless and bravest quadriplegics I’ve ever met. With the help of her husband, she participated in more activities than most completely able bodied individuals take advantage of. She lived out her faith, admired and respected by many. I consider it an honor to have spent so many good times with Jeri and Dave. My life will never be the same as a result of her passionate life.
Speaking of Dave, I have met a lot of men I have been impressed by but nothing compares to Dave. This man was dedicated to his wife 24/7, and felt it a privilege to help give her the independence she needed. Dave served her and she loved him with all her heart. I know how hard it is to make it through with the added difficulties that a disability can bring to a relationship. Dave and Jeri had their own problems just like every marriage does, yet they were an example of how to work together through thick and thin. They demonstrated love in action and it was obvious to everyone who knew them. May we continue to pray for Dave and give him our support as the waves of grief and loss will come and go.
I am truly grateful for my sister in the lord, friend, and fellow dreamer. One thing i regret is Jerry was not able to see the building of Camp Can Do. I feel all the more urgency and passion to complete the camp in remembrance of her beautiful soul. Life is so short, and I want all my friends to experience this opportunity. The sun, the ocean, the therapy one gets from the Hawaiian Islands just as Jeri did and what she would want for all of you.
Today I had a nice conversation with Dave, and his desire is to have those who would like to make a donation in memory of Jeri to go towards Never Give Up’s future Camp Can Do Maui, a 501(c)3 Tax deductible organization
In October when I return to the island I would like to have a Jeri’s beach gathering.
Sunday October 9th, 2016 at Kam # 1 beach
I just might get in the ocean.
I will truly miss her, and I look forward to the day that I get to give her a big hug. Thank you Jeri for the wonderful things you left. –And Hey Jeri, if you get a chance find my mother and give her a big embrace for me.
To your inspirations,
Ron Heagy
Never Give Up
PO BOX 972
Albany, OR 97321
Syncis Blessed my family
This Ron with your motivational message,
“Can I give you a nice big hug?” asked the gentlemen. I am human so I like hugs too.
My two daughters and I just returned from a weekend in Las Vegas, NV. For a speaking engagement to a wonderful group of business people called ‘Syncis’ mixed with a little vacation time, swimming, going to shows and I did not gamble once.
Sitting on stage, my daughters standing on each side of my wheelchair in front of over 1,000 people I felt proud as a father, as a speaker, and as a person with a disability. We were empowered and it felt like we conquered and won an Olympic event. My presentation was simple- story filled, and heartfelt. I spoke of Determination, Imagination, Motivation, and Enthusiasm. As soon as I was finished the crowd responded with a thunderous roar and a standing ovation. I am truly grateful that after 25 years of traveling the country and speaking to thousands of people that my message of hope still resonates with all ages. I believe they responded so well because they too could relate. I felt as if I was in a large family of individuals with enormous significance and powerful potential.
Rolling off the stage I quickly zigzagged my way through the crowd to my table where my paintings were on display. We took many pictures and signed a few things, everyone was very grateful. I could see a revived sense of ‘I can do this’ in their eyes. I heard stories of I can get through this divorce, I can still love my brother or I can make a difference in this world to name a few. People were thanking me for reminding them of the possibilities in their own life.
A gentleman approached me asking if he could give me a hug. He gently reached around my chin control, grasped both sides of my shoulders and gave me one of the biggest hugs I have ever received in a room full of people. The embrace gave me comfort and exhilaration. I was once again blessed by the kindness of so many people.
May we not get caught in the thick of thin things and be overwhelmed. Move forward even if it’s slow. Please remember along the way not to forget to ask someone if you can give them a hug, it might make their entire day.
To your inspirations, and with an attitude of gratitude,
Ron Heagy
Paralyzed painter inspired
This is Ron with your motivational message,
I love to paint and recently spent 4 days at the Benton County Fair, with 10 hours a day. My back is generally towards the crowd so they can see me paint. As people walk by it never seizes to amaze me how individuals reacts to a man painting with his teeth. Believe it or not, children are the most curious. Some of my best compliments came from 3 to 6 year olds. I get a special feeling in my soul knowing that most of everyone who sees me painting is inspired to some degree. A few people told me there story, and a number of them stopped to take a closer look at some of my other pieces of art. Others would stand for more than an hour and watch me paint the smallest details. One gentleman asked me if he could make a donation. This gave me a great idea… The lady next me was selling Tupperware so I had my assistant get one and labeled it “Tips or donations welcomed.”
Within a few hours I had a container full of dollar bills, this made me feel good in a weird way. I guess I felt like I was being paid for my work and effort which also gave me a sense of value. Don’t get me wrong I do sell a few prints, but for the most part my art sales would not keep food on the table. I was super impressed by the amount of teenagers who came by and dropped dollar bills in my cup. It motivated me to want to work harder. Art is so special, it allows your creativity to run wild and we need that in our culture.I want to say thank you to those that inspire artists like me. I would also like to say thank you to all of my friends for supporting my art. I needed the lift, particularly when there are times I don’t feel like my art is appreciated as much as I would like it to be.
I also would like to thank the older gentlemen that recommended the donation cup and all of the people that have stopped by I felt inspired to once again to Never Give Up.
I would love to hear from you!
Please email me and let me know what you think of my painting I worked on at the fair.
I think I am going to call it, “ Go Birthday Cake.”
Check out my art if you haven’t seen it!
To your inspirations,
Thrive and Be Inspired
Providing the tools of success for individuals with disabilities in an educational outdoor school setting
In today’s society there is a total misunderstanding about the possibilities in life for children with disabilities or anyone with a disability. Society often resorts to medical care only which leads to a life of only surviving. We should provide tools and education for everyone to thrive. This future camp facility would help those with disabilities be inspired, gain everlasting memories, and helpful tools that will last a lifetime in a setting that is 100% wheelchair accessible to nature.
Never Give Up, Inc is a 501c(3) nonprofit founded in 2004 that is dedicated to helping children, young people and particularly those with mobility impairments reach their own potential, empower dignity, and motivate purposeful living.
Please Join Us in this mission of phase 1 of Camp Can Do Maui, we have created a funding page on Indiegogo. It’s a funding page geared more towards helping charities reach their goals. Here is the link >>–3
We ask that you share this page with your friends and family through social media or email. Every share counts!
Thank you so much for supporting Camp Can Do Maui.
If you have any questions or comments please contact us!
Providing the tools of success for individuals with disabilities in an educational outdoor school setting
In today’s society there is a total misunderstanding about the possibilities in life for children with disabilities or anyone with a disability. Society often resorts to medical care only which leads to a life of only surviving. We should provide tools and education for everyone to thrive. This future camp facility would help those with disabilities be inspired, gain everlasting memories, and helpful tools that will last a lifetime in a setting that is 100% wheelchair accessible to nature.
Never Give Up, Inc is a 501c(3) nonprofit founded in 2004 that is dedicated to helping children, young people and particularly those with mobility impairments reach their own potential, empower dignity, and motivate purposeful living.
Please Join Us in this mission of phase 1 of Camp Can Do Maui, we have created a funding page on Indiegogo. It’s a funding page geared more towards helping charities reach their goals.
Here is the link >>–3
We ask that you share this page with your friends and family through social media or email. Every share counts!
Thank you so much for supporting Camp Can Do Maui.
If you have any questions or comments please contact us!