
This is Ron with your Motivational Message:

In life it’s nice to know that there are friends that will be there in good and in bad.  As a quadriplegic man, it has been difficult to find close male friends.  There is a lot of work that goes into spending time with someone who has this kind of disability, and it is probably more than most friends would expect.  I’ve blogged in the past that I had been praying for male friendship and as a result of that I have, in fact, found some very close friends.  The only problem is that many of my friends do not live in the same state that I do.  This makes getting together a real task, but thank God that they’re only a phone call away!  My wife tells me that you can have more than one best friend, but really I only have one—which is her!  I guess I feel like “best” means…well, one-and-only best!  What do you think?  Let me know what your feelings are about best friends—can you have more than one “bestie?” 🙂

Speaking of friends, I received a surprise visit from a childhood friend recently.  This individual was someone whom I initially wasn’t too fond of.  She actually beat me up in second grade!  She was a tough girl and definitely considered more of a tomboy.  Thanks to her brothers, she was certainly not one to let boys get in her face.  I had just moved to town and was struggling with my self-identity, so her not-so-friendly attitude wasn’t well-received by me.  Surprisingly, despite all this, she and I became good friends and remained as such through grade school.

I had not seen her in a long time, but she had heard that I hadn’t been feeling too well and arranged to come by.  Thanks to my wife, she appeared unannounced…


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Maybe you’re going through tough times like I am and are praying for some companionship.  Please, always remember that even when you don’t think it’s true, there are people out there who are thinking of you and are wondering how you’re doing.  Don’t hesitate to call those friends that you’ve lost touch with.

I want to genuinely thank those of you who have sent me cards, notes, or emails.  They truly have been an encouragement.  I want to especially thank those that have been close to me that take time to pray for me and think of me.  I need it, just like everyone else.  May the quality of your friendships only increase!

To your inspiration,


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Posted in Ron's Thoughts.


  1. Thanks for the inspiration, Ron.

    I think you’re right; we all have people who think of us, but we don’t know because they don’t call. Just like we think of friends and don’t call them.

    Just human nature, I guess.

    Maybe we should be a little more proactive. Think of someone – send an email, make a quick phone call, send a note by snail mail.

    If we all did that just once per day (what would it take – 2 minutes?) it just might change the world!

    Powerful stuff, brother Ron.
    Thanks for putting that out there.

    God bless you,

    Pastor Dan

  2. It must be GOd working through you, again, Ron – I just got together with a friend (Bernadette) I hadn’t seen in years. I was busy or she was busy with grandjkids, etc.
    Her husband John wanted to give her soemthing for her birthday that was different, so he called and said he’ll pick me up (I don’t drive) and take me over to her house as a surprise. He wanted us to go out to a restaurant of our choice to chat and catch up, together, while he paid for lunch. Her birthday was February 19th and we spent the 18th in each others company. I did surprise her (she thought he was getting her a car – sorry Bernie). Maybe he is still getting her one? In any case, we spent a great day together and it was a wonderful experience for both of us. What a nice thing for her husband to do – bring you in touch with one of your best friends again! God bless him! Her is one of the ‘Good Guys’, Ron, just like you are!

  3. It must be GOD working through you, again, Ron – I just got together with a friend (Bernadette) I hadn’t seen in years. I was busy working or she was busy with grandjkids, etc.
    Her husband John wanted to give her soemthing for her birthday that was different, so he called and said he’d pick me up (I don’t drive) and take me over to their house as a surprise for her. He wanted us to go out to a restaurant of our choice to chat and catch up, together, while he paid for lunch. Her birthday was February 19th and we spent the 18th in each other’s company. I did surprise her (she thought he was getting her a car – sorry Bernie). Maybe he is still getting her one? In any case, we spent a great day together and it was a wonderful experience for both of us. What a nice thing for her husband to do – to bring you in touch with one of your best friends again! God bless him! He is one of the ‘Good Guys’, Ron, just like you are!

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