This is Ron with your Motivational Message:
I thought I’d try to be a cool guy and go four-wheeling in my two-wheel drive wheelchair one day. The trail of dirt was beckoning me. I was all alone and put my chin control “to the metal.” Amazingly, I was kicking up dirt and making real head-way when out of nowhere appeared this Canadian “honker.” I came to an abrupt halt to let her pass. To my surprise, this goose had a bad attitude and nipped me in the leg with her beak. “I didn’t feel that, so there,” I said. With a hiss that would raise the hair on your neck, she meant business. Just then I noticed a nest in the long grass beside me, filled with 11 eggs. No wonder why she was so upset. I’d have a bad attitude, too, if I had to lay that many eggs. “I’ll leave you alone,” I thought to myself as I nudged my wheelchair in reverse. However, my wheels only spun and I was stuck in the mud with a hormonal goose.
The next thing I know, she’s flapping her wings and jumping up towards me. Thinking that she would attack my face, I did the manly thing and closed my eyes and screamed like a little girl. Hearing the noise must’ve done something, I thought, because when I opened my eyes she was gone. “Thank you, God,” I said. But it wasn’t God, rather God spelled backwards. My dog had come to my rescue.
Claws had always wanted to get that goose and today opportunity knocked at his doggy door. He had gotten her by the neck while I was screaming. I felt my strength return. “That’s what you get for messing with me and my dog!” I did feel sad for the goose, though, and commanded Claws to cut her loose. She had only been protecting her eggs, it wasn’t personal.
He let her go and put his nose by my hand. “How long have you been my dog? All your life?” I asked him. “You know I can’t pet your fur. You’re only making me feel bad.” The funny thing is, my dog believed in me; that someday I would be able to pet him. Determined to not let the situation get the best of me, I yelled, “Look at me!” Claws looked me right in the eye. “You are the dog of dogs. You are my dog, and I love you.” In spite of not knowing English, Claws began to wag his tail in sheer excitement. He, despite my limitations, could understand the positive affirmation I offered him. He was excited and wagged his tail because I was speaking kindly to him.
Today I’d like you to imagine what the world would be if we do that for one another. Instead of saying hurtful, degrading things, what about words of encouragement? We all face the hissing gooses in life, so I challenge you to go and make somebody’s day. Make their “tails wag.” Positive affirmation can change the world.
To your inspiration,
Hope you are doing well. Love your stories.
Hi Ron,
You are an inspiration to me. Knowing that you are so positive in life no matter what happens and always being able to conquer the obstacles in your life! You have taught me that no matter what life brings your way tgere will always be light at the other side of the tunnel!! I have seen you only once in Portland OR at a Primerica event and you had me in tears because of who you are and what you have come to accomplish!! God bless you and thank you!!!