My Brother, Mike

This is Ron Heagy with your Motivational Message:

Having a birthday within two days your brother’s is like having your birthday close to Christmas; your family tends to celebrate both at the same time.  Not to sound selfish, but being recognized as an individual has its value, particularly when it comes to things like birthdays.  As a child, holidays are a spectacular occasion, but let’s not kid ourselves–adults need to feel special, too!

My brother, Mike, and I had breakfast together this morning and as we reminisced we realized how quickly the years have gone by and how our busy lives have taken opportunities away from our spending time with one another.  Between family and work, it is difficult even to squeeze in time for the things that matter the most to us.

The following is a video tribute to my brother.  I hope that you will enjoy it!  It also involves a story about a certain gift my brother surprised me with on my birthday–a gift from somewhere that no one would expect!


If you cannot view video, click here:–AyW5iXUw69w&index=2&feature=plcp

Happy Birthday, Mike!

March 16th

To your inspiration,


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Posted in Ron's Thoughts.


  1. We really enjoyed looking at your video discussing you and your brothers birthday. Certainly got a good laugh out of viewing it and came to the realization that after all these years you have become quite a comedian. We extend our warmest wishes to you and your brother Mike to have a fantasic time celebrating your birthdays. God Bless you both.

  2. Ron, I enjoyed your birthday video tribute to your brother.
    You are a very special brother, your the best.
    Going to share this with my brother, and my friends.
    You are an inspiration to many people and lord knows we need inspiration in these turblent times.
    Happy Birthday.. and best Wishes, Kermit Miller

  3. Hey Ron, awesome story. Yes, I read it in your book. I recall reading both stories.
    I also recall reading about the lady who cared for Mark and that he may have encountered
    An angle in a dream state. You are an insiration to me on going. Thank you sincerely,
    Larry O’Renick

  4. What a great story Ron. I could see a little brother doing that as payback.
    Always enjoy what you have to offer. Happy Birthday to the both of you.

  5. Enjoyed the story! What a different perspective we get on life as we get older. Always makes me wish I knew back then what I know now; however, that’s part of growing up isn’t it?

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