This is Ron with your Motivational Message:
Happy New Year! I hope that 2013 for you will be full of love, peace, and pleasant surprises . 🙂
I just wanted to share a quick video of Gracie and I creating masterpieces. Please enjoy!
To your inspiration,
Dear Ron and Kelli,
I read your motivational messages. Thank you for keeping me on your email list.
I am blessed to have a great wife like you do Ron.
The past few years have been a huge change for me financially. I am determined to turn around my financial wow’s and bills this 2013.
It is my goal to be able to once again send a monthly check to help with your medical costs and raising a family.
Much love to you and Kelli –
Karl Schweitzer
Hi Ron
I think Gracie was cheating thought. She had no paint brush in her mouth.. LOL
Wishing You & your Family a “Happy & Prosperous New Year” !!!
Our best to you for 2013 as well. Gracie is as beautiful as ever. We miss you and wish you well in times that seem difficult along the way. Once again, sharing the serenity prayer:
God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can and the wisdom to know the difference.
We love ya!