This Roll on Ron with your Motivational Message:
In several of my past blogs I have mentioned how at times I feel a bit inadequate, a whiner, or life’s not fair. Then the Spirit of God sends me something special to help remind me that my life does matter.
I recently thought that as much as I have done in the past 31 years–all the speaking, artwork, and hard work paralyzed from the neck down. I wonder why in the world do I struggle financially? And then I received an email which totally knocked me out of my chair reminding me that it is not the money, it’s the mission:
“Dear Ron, my name is J.P. and I have a high level spinal cord injury much like yourself. I broke my neck in 1990 at C3-C4 at the age of 20 which paralyzed me from the neck down. Several years ago when I was going through one of the many challenges as a quadriplegic (As you can imagine), a dear friend who was dying of cancer, gave me your book “Never Give Up”. I was in quite a bit of depression at the time and so I set it up on the shelf where it sat for many months along with several other “self help books” people had given me. Then on one sunny day I was staring at the cover and felt your book calling to me to read. Once I opened it, I could not and did not put it down. I ended up staying up late that night reading it all until I finished it. Your book and your testimony of your life and sharing so much completely changed my life. It planted a seed of strength, hope, love and faith that is beyond words Ron. That seed had a ripple effect throughout my life, from that day forward. Since then so many positive things have happened. The list is to long!
I too am now a public speaker and I am going out and sharing my story and testimony in hopes of giving people strength through any hard times and challenges that they may have in their life and to help give them faith and become closer to God.
With the help of my uncle who just retired as the Vice President of Hallmark Hall of Fame Movies, he has helped make me a DVD of my testimony and life; plus Hallmark wants to write a book about my life and do a movie. In that DVD I have shared about how you have touched my life. Also it shows the cover of your book, “Never Give Up” to help give people a visual- and to help promote your book. I can not emphasis how much you have touched my life. The finalized version of the DVD is being sent to me for my ok as I write this. Before I start to share the DVD with others I wanted to make sure to have your permission to mention you in the DVD and show the cover of the book. Obviously it would help promote your book and story, but I don’t want to assume anything and would just really love your blessing too. I also have planned to send you a copy of the DVD of my life next week. I have a feeling just maybe it might touch your life and a blessing may come back to you when there is darkness in your own life. It might blow you away when you see how much impact that seed you plant in my life has had!
On my living room wall is a painting of yours a stranger blessed me with. It has three crosses on a hill. It lifts my spirit every time I look at it!”
Please be inspired by this story. Because, well, whether you like it or not, your life has significant impact! So, keep on, keepin’ on!
If you have not read my autobiography, Never Give Up, that J.P. refers to, please click the link below:
At the end of each message I mention that you can give a gift—since I do not receive a salary, these gifts go to caring for my family. However, I sometimes forget to mention that you can make a donation that is not a gift, but is a tax-deductible donation. Never Give Up is the non-profit organization that is responsible for getting my message out! When you give to Never Give Up it covers the cost of the office, its employees, and other expenses that are essential to our outreach opportunities. If you are interested, please visit the link below to give a tax-deductible donation:
And to all that have given support—I really could not do any of this without your help. You all are a blessing to my family and for that, I could never be more grateful.
To your inspiration,