This is Ron Heagy,
We are at the beginning of a new year and as many of you know, asking for money is not an easy thing for me to do. However, fundraising is necessary to continue the outreach and work we accomplish through Never Give Up. There are many who need your support for outreach in other countries, such as India or Africa, but I need your support to spread the light to our kids here in the US. I would like to thank you in advance for considering a donation to Never Give Up.
Maybe you already know how I try to inspire others, but unless you actually experience one of my speaking events it is difficult to see how kids and adults respond to me through sharing my life experiences. I used to struggle with what my purpose was after my accident, but now, I know. I understand the way my life experience is to be used to encourage those who are struggling.
During a speaking tour in Denver, Colorado, I had an opportunity to speak at a youth correctional facility. It is heart-wrenching experience to speak to an audience full of incarcerated youth. I struggled with how I would reach this population. During my speech, I was amazed by the attentiveness of the young men sitting on the hard gym floor. I let them know that I could identify with their desire to be free to live their life, yet every morning waking up to bars. I told them that I recognized how discouraging it can be because I also dream of running and being free, yet, when I wake, I’m still paralyzed from the neck down. In a way, I’ve been behind my own bars for close to 31 years. I reminded them that they could make a choice to change and make it out of this facility someday. They could make a choice to become better rather than bitter. As I have done, make the most of their confined situation. I reminded them they have life and the ability to do good in this world.
Later, I sat at my table where my mouth art and books were displayed. I could see a significant change reflected in the faces as each young man walked past, all of whom thanked me for being willing to visit them that day. One particular man, with a hard look in his eyes, asked me if I would write something on a piece of paper for him. My mind ran through hundreds of things that I could say, but for some reason I wrote, “Be strong; I love you.” Later that day, the coordinator called to let me know that my note had broken down his protective walls–no one had ever said or written the words “I love you” to him before. When she asked why I had chosen those words, I told her that it was on my heart at the time. I was where I was supposed to be, to encourage that young man in that moment and I am grateful to those who helped to make that speech possible.
This past year was extremely challenging me physically. There are still some giants I will face in 2012, but I have been able to reflect back on very good things in 2011. I can also see that without experiences challenges I would not have the opportunity to grow. I have been able to meet some wonderful people and watch our lives intertwine, if even for a moment.
My family and I are looking forward to what 2012 has in store and would truly appreciate your prayers. Together, we can inspire others to keep rolling on and reach for their dreams. I know there are many young kids out there struggling that might need an encouragement and I do not want to miss a single one in 2012.
We look forward to hearing from you; thank you again for your consideration in becoming a supporting member of our team. Would you consider being one of the 25 $10.00 monthly donors that we need? No amount is too small!
Blessings to each of you!
– Ron
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