This is Ron with your Motivational Message:
Early this week, we woke up to an unusual surprise: we received six inches of snow! It was hard to believe since it’s almost April! The poor daffodils that had sprung up in anticipation of spring were barely peeking out of the piles of snow. Naturally, on the first day of snow, our seven year old daughter was awake before all of us; enjoying her day off from school. As you’ll see in the videos, even Dad got involved!
The snow brought me back to when I was her age, growing up in Wisconsin. Of course, snow-days weren’t unusual in that part of the country, but that didn’t make them any less enjoyable. I remember my dad would let me lie in the snow in front of the tractor plow and I would slide in the drift created by the plow, like I was riding a frozen wave. The drift formed snow banks that I would spill over into as the plow moved. At the time, I thought it was totally awesome, but looking back I have to wonder, “what was my dad thinking?” I guess snow games differ between little boys and little girls. Childhood memories and memories of the crazy things that we’ve done in our lives can certainly bring a smile to our faces. I hope the following videos inspire you to take some time out of your day to do something fun with your kids.
Sledding, Heagy-style!
To your inspiration,
Gracy & Dad are having a great time. What a sled tow…..
Thanks Ron Always enjoy.
Hey, that is precious!
I remember so well playing in the snow with my kids.
Ron, good for you for doing that with Gracie.
What a great Dad!
Great Morning Ron. So im a bit late in reading your news letter. Just watched the Spring snow-ward video. Dude !! You are One Awesome Dad to you little joy Gracy. Powerfull memories for her. I had no idea your wheels had so much torque. Not as fast as the Firebird, but impressive. God Bless.
Wow, what a great time you guys were having, Brother Ron! I’ve always been impressed with how you and Kelli allow Gracie to join and enjoy the ride of life with you. This gave literal meaning to the term “enjoying the ride” with Dad! Bless you!
Hey Ron, that was awesome and you didn’t even have to chain-up! 🙂