The Wake-Up Call From God

This is Ron with your Motivational Message:

A few years back, I received a phone call from “Mr. Chis” (Mr. Chris Chisholm).  “Ron, I heard you were in town and I’d like to get together with you and talk about how I can help.  I’ve heard you speak in a couple of high schools and I believe in what you’re doing,” he said.  Because of my time constraints that I had in Denver, I was wary of getting together in case it turned out to be just kind words and perhaps would not be the best use of my time.  I quickly thanked him for wanting to help, but the truth was, that I was too busy.  His response surprised me, “I’ll come to where ever you’re at.”

My family was excited to got to Six Flags the following day, but of course, I was not as excited.  I could not ride the rollercoasters safely, so I offered to meet with  Chris at Six Flags while Kelli and the girls enjoyed the rides.  I sat there until a stranger rode up on a motorcycle with a big, goofy smile.  His first statement to me after our greeting was, “God woke me up in the middle of the night and told me that I needed to help you.”  “Red flag!” I thought.  I had not thought of an escape plan, in the event that this meeting took a strange direction (such as hearing voices in the night!).  So I sat there and listened.  We spoke for about an hour and by that time my bias towards this motorcycle dude was completely blown to pieces.  Not only was he genuine, but he was my kind of guy.  We hit it off–we fit together like macaroni and cheese.

Chris has not only been a huge blessing in my life, but has become one of my dearest friends.  And no, he was not hearing  voices, but he did wake up with my name ringing in his ear.

This last week, I was feeling bummed because I haven’t been able to work like I used to.  My health keeps throwing things my way!  Looking for a pick-me-up, I called my buddy.  Come to find out, he was having a tough week, himself, so we encouraged each other.  Just as we were about to hang up, Chris told me that he was challenged by someone to think of a story that made a positive impact on his life.  Because he found it so helpful, he went home that day and asked his kids the same question.  He proceeded to tell me that his oldest boy said, “out of all the stories that I’ve heard, Dad, Ron Heagy’s story that he gave at the school about the pelican pooping on his head but still maintaining a good attitude through it was the best story.”  Chris reminded me that statements like his son’s and hundreds of others are the reason why he believed that God woke him up that night.  I responded by telling him that, “God woke you up so that we could inspire each other.”

Hey, guys, let’s be honest–we need to be able to talk freely with our buddies.  I feel so much better after spilling my guts to a friend.  If you haven’t done so recently, give your friends a call.  It might just ignite your passion and enthusiasm and motivate you to keep on keepin’ on.

I would like to thank you, the reader, for your friendship and support.  Feel free to email me.  Life is tough, but when someone is there for you to lean on our burdens become lighter.

To your inspiration,

Ron Heagy

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Posted in Ron's Thoughts.

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