We Remember 9/11

This is Ron with your Motivational Message:

Eleven years ago, today, we flew into New York City.  It would be to celebrate a documentary about my life, produced by Martin Luther King III, that was set to premiere on September 11th, 2001.  Little did we know what was about to unfold before us.

In memory of that historical day, I painted a picture titled “We Remember.”  Please click here to see the painting and hear a bit of my experience while in New York on that tragic day.


If you cannot view the video, please follow this link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O4IoqNISBAM&list=UUSUzoifeoj–AyW5iXUw69w&index=1&feature=plcp

My heart goes out to to all of those affected by this tragedy.  We must always remember the individuals who have given their lives in the name of our great country and those who are actively serving.  God bless America!

We Remember

As a thank-you, I will be selling my lithograph prints of my painting, “We Remember,” for a special price of $20.00 with free shipping and handling.  If you would like to purchase one for yourself or for a dear loved one, please follow this link: https://www.ronheagy.com/shop-mouth-art.php .  At the bottom of the page you will see the painting and the hyperlink “Contact Us for Special Pricing.”  Click the hyperlink to send an email to our office, letting us know your name, address, and how you would like to purchase the print (we accept cash, check, money order, PayPal or debit/credit).

To your inspiration,


Posted in Ron's Thoughts.

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