Hello my friend!
Summer is my favorite time of year! We have been camping, swimming and whatever else we can enjoy in the sun. There is no doubt, I am solar powered. If I had my way I would live in Arizona or Hawaii but my lovely wife appreciates more of the cooler weather plus Oregon is absolutely beautiful all year around. We love the trees, flowers, mountains, beautiful rivers, and the amazing west coast. Gracie, my five year old, loves the outdoors too and we have been doing some fun planting together.
The sunshine is a blessing because even though I try to always be “Mr. Positive Attitude”, some days the clouds still roll in. Does that ever happen to you?? Or is it just me?? J
The economic challenges Kelli and I face with 24 hour a day caregiver needs for myself and also raising four kids can be challenging, but challenges have only made me stronger. It is in the toughest times that positive light can shine the brightest. I think the following story demonstrates this fact and I hope it inspires you as much as it did me.
I received a call from Carl, the school counselor at an elementary school with approximately 300 fourth and fifth graders. Carl informed me that there was a young man in a wheelchair who had muscular dystrophy. The boy’s prognosis wasn’t good, and he was told that he may not live to see his 21st birthday.
As you might imagine, this devastating news caused him to go into a deep depression. He stopped caring about school and saw no reason to be excited about life. It was Carl’s hope that I might be able to put on a school assembly and spend some time with the boy.
Two weeks later I rolled into an energetic gym filled with kids. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see my little buddy in his wheelchair, but he wouldn’t even look at me. Students and staff were moved from laughter to tears as they listened to my true stories. When I was finished, they lined up to view my paintings and I signed some autographs but my mind was focused on trying to find my little buddy.
I did not see him in the crowd and just when I got discouraged by thinking he had already left, the young man gently bumped my wheelchair with his wheelchair and he asked; “Mr. Heagy would you please spend some time with me?” I felt a lump in my throat as I looked at this young man’s great big smile and I said “you bet, let’s roll!” J
As we were starting to leave, his aid reminded him that it was time for him to go to his special anticipated launch of the rocket he had made in class. I can’t describe how it warmed my heart to hear the boy say, “thanks … but spending time with Ron is much more important then the rocket!”
It was great to get to know him better and I even learned that he is an inspiring artist. I was truly amazed at the detail of his beautiful pencil sketches. He wanted to give me one of his drawings but I asked him if I could buy it instead for $20.00? A smile as big as Texas came over his face and he looked up at me from his chair and said; “Mr. Heagy you are my new hero!”
Before I left, my little buddy gave me his home phone number and asked me to call his mother because he was now more worried about her than being depressed himself. Mothers and fathers that care for their children with disabilities need support, so I was happy to call his Mom. If you know of someone with these challenges, I ask you to give them a call. It will be a huge blessing to know that someone cares, and it will also bless you more than you can imagine!
Some of you may want to ask this question; “Ron if you have financial needs, why did you give that boy so many free gifts and $20 for his picture?” I have three answers:
1) The smile on his face was priceless!
2) Buying the drawing gave him a purpose.
3) I have friends that give me gifts each month and I try to “pay it forward.”
In summary, if I was in 4th grade, I honestly do not think I would put spending time with someone like me as more important than launching rockets. When he chose me, it turned my financial clouds back into sunshine. When you chose me, it allowed me the opportunity to meet this young man and change his life. Thank YOU for making this story possible!
Ron Heagy
PS Even $5 a month makes a huge difference if you have an army. J http://rollonron.com/give-now/