Happy Thanksgiving!
As we prepare for Thanksgiving, I am reminded of those individuals that have been so important to me. I can truly say that we have been blessed, even though at times it has been very difficult. My mind and heart choose to focus on the things that I am most grateful for and I want to thank you for being a part of my family and life.
Over the past 32 years, I have had the privilege of inspiring many people with my message of hope. But more importantly, Thanksgiving is a time to show appreciation for faith, family, friends, and finances. I realize how much of the things in life consume my attention and the ones I just plain take for granted. How insignificant are the material things without people to enjoy, love and laugh with.
My faith has sustained me for 30-some years, and my trust in God has given me great hope though the darkest times. I would not be who I am if it were not for God’s gracious gifts through Christ.
My family, whom I love with all of my heart, amazes me. My wife’s love for me goes beyond my comprehension. She takes care of my family and all of the aspects of being a wife. Her unconditional love for me, a complete quadriplegic, ensures that all of my basic needs are met 24 hours a day. I thank Kelli “for getting me out of bed so my family and friends can be inspirationally and motivationally fed.”
Our girls are growing up quickly; Gracie has started first grade and is already smarter than her dad. Roni and Mattie are in middle school and are real social butterflies—their teachers love them. Jessie is a senior in high school now and is creatively finding her place as an adult while pursuing college and her singing career.
I am truly grateful for my friends; those of you that always have the right words at the right moments. Words cannot express my gratitude I have for the time, energy, and resources you sacrificed to help my wheelchair roll down the road. Thank you for what you have given on behalf of my family and those that hear my message.
I recently spoke to a class of undergraduates at Oregon State University; students who may soon be the educators of tomorrow. Following my presentation, I spoke to individuals who now have a personal experience with someone who has achieved much in life despite their disability. This, in turn, may change their view of children and adults with disabilities from individuals who have limited potential to individuals that have limitless possibilities.
Your gifts over the past year have made it possible for us to not only pay the bills but to share the message. Praise God for the donations that have sustained us during the rough times of my health challenges. Because of the cost required to get the message out, it is incredibly important that we have the initial funds to start up another great year of inspiration. My friend, if you have a little extra to spare this season, please consider your Never Give Up ministry by visiting: https://www.ronheagy.com/donate-never-give-up.php or write to:
Never Give Up
P.O. Box 972
Albany, OR 97321
As a special “thank you” for any end of the year tax deductible gift made to Never Give Up, you will receive a Kevin’s Pal at no charge.
Kevin’s Pals can also be purchased separately—these plush smiley faces make wonderful gifts for any age and celebrate Kevin’s life. Each Pal is accompanied by a card with Kevin’s picture and inspiring words about him. To purchase a Kevin’s Pal, please visit: https://www.ronheagy.com/shop-rollonron-smileys.php
To your inspiration,
Ron, Kelli, and Family