This is Ron with your Motivational Message:
It all happened so quickly—the airbags deployed and the panic following the event only intensified when my wife exclaimed, “I can’t move my arms!”
I believe it happens to us all at some time or another. We get so preoccupied with our daily activities that we forget to set aside special time to spend with our significant other. This is particularly evident when you have children to care for.
This last month my wife and I had not scheduled much-needed alone time. As a result, we had been getting to the point where many couples find themselves. We were becoming short with one another, and were nit-picking unnecessarily. With our busy schedules and the girls home for summer break, we were rarely alone and our marriage desperately needed some attention.
Recognizing this, we scheduled a date night for Thursday, June 28th. Kelli made the arrangements for a baby sitter while I picked a movie we could go see together. That night, we headed off to Corvallis, Oregon for dinner and a movie. We were both excited to finally have this time alone together. The drive was quite nice—poppies in bloom lined the highway and a light, refreshing rain fell. We were enjoying each other’s company; talking, laughing and generally having a great time. Kelli asked me where I wanted to eat, and just as our conversation over food was reaching its conclusion, we were given an unwelcome surprise…
If you cannot view the video, please click here:–AyW5iXUw69w&index=1&feature=plcp
Thank God we made it through an accident that could have had much worse results. We have an Attitude of Gratitude for our Lord! We thank all of you for your prayers and for the support you give our family.
Kelli, I know you’re in pain, as well as my neck, but I’ve always been a pain in the neck. 😉
I love you, Kelli! Thank you for our “explosive date,” but I’m getting a bit old for so much excitement. I’ll never forget it, though!
To your inspiration,
So glad to hear you are both OK. I pray for you daily and every post you put up really keeps me grateful. Thanks so much for all you do 🙂
Good you can look back on it with some good humor and a message. My best to Kelli and her healing.
So glad to hear you two are o.k. My goodness….Give my regards to Kelli and my thoughts and prayers are with you two. Kim
Hey Ron I am sorry you had to experience that frightening car accident. But your story is somewhat similar to both of our tragic accidents that left us quadriplegics. They are similar in the way we had taken things for granted before our tragic accidents and then learned to appreciate things much more after our accidents. When we have something or someone for so long we tend to take them for granted, that is until something tragic happens reminding us of how very important everything or someone is. I wish your wife the best and a speedy recovery.
Your friend
I guess there’s always the good in the bad and the bad in the good, like the yin/yang symbol. Lots of healing love energy to Kelli and may you both be blessed with pain-free smiles.
Wow… I’m so relieved to hear the accident wasn’t any worse than it was. I thank God for your continued presence among us. My prayers go out for comfort and healing for both of you and for resolution of your transportation needs. The van doesn’t look as roadworthy as it used to be. Call me when you can. I’ll pass on the news and prayer needs to Cindy and the rest of our community group.
Wow, I am so glad that neither one of your got hurt any worse than you did.
The meeting with the women the next day was a very interesting twist to this story. Who knows what she continues to receive from her encounter with you!
“What doesn’t kill us makes us stronger” and in this case more effective.
Blessings on your day!
I guess that proves that your work is still not finished here. Glad you’re all okay.
So happy you 2 are ok! Duane was in a motorcycle accident while I was out west. Received 3rd degree burn on his right leg and just went through skin grafts. He’s doing pretty good just brought him home today was in the hospital for 5 days.
Glad you are both ok!! Great message…. And powerful story about the lady who signs her letters “smile for kevin”. You inspire a lot of people but this lady took action to keep your message alive. Just think how many of her friends and family asked her “who is kevin?”. And then she retold your story. 🙂
Since you are both ok, i will now share these two thoughts to hopefully make you smile. 🙂
Having driven 50 million miles with ron as my copilot and having him say “speed up, slow down, put your blinker on, turn it off, watch out for that squirrel etc… What happened to “watch out for the trailer!?” 🙂
I also told ron he should have yelled to the paramedics…”take care of my wife first but i can’t feel my arms either!!!” 🙂
I am Praying…..and love and miss you both!
So sorry to hear about your horrible accident!
Hope your both doing better but try and remember it will take some time to recover.
Every Monday night I teach yoga and I read your inspirational messages to my class.
The dIfference between a blessing and a burden is an attitude.
I dedicate this weeks class to you and Kelli and we send our Prayers your way!
LOVE and Namaste from Staten Island!
Randi Huss and class