From a 6 year old’s perspective:
Obviously, the apple didn’t fall far from the tree. Blessed by your prayers–it takes courage and patience to be a good father. Also, where would we be without a mother’s love? I say that because mothers seem to be able to do everything. Go Mom’s! Go Dads! Go Green Bay!
To your inspiration,
Ron and Gracie 🙂
What a great video!
You two make an awesome couple.
Ron, I know how you love those daughter-kisses. My daughter is 26 and I still love them! I’ll tell you, those kisses NEVER get old. Keep it up, Gracie!
And, of course, we all know that neither of you would be ANYWHERE without that lovely and devoted Kelli who holds it all together.
In return for your Thanksgiving greeting, I’ll leave you with this thought:
“What if you wake up tomorrow, and the only things you have are the things you thanked God for today?”
Makes you think, huh?
Of all the things we ask God for, let’s ask Him for a grateful heart.
God bless your whole family!
I’m thankful for you!!
– Pastor Dan
LOVE LOVE LOVE!! Thanks for sharing! Gracie Lee has grown so much and is gorgeous!!