Memory of Roses, Mom

This is Ron with your Motivational Message:

As far back as I can remember there has not been a place I’ve lived where there were not roses in the garden. Let’s just say, it’s my favorite flower. This fond affection towards this particular flower stemmed from the experiences that I had with my mother. She, too, loved the wonders of its soft, delicate petals balanced against its thorny stems.

I recall, as a child, watching her create lovely bouquets to adorn our dining table. As with any good relationship she took time and care to nurture growth. She carefully pruned, deadheaded, fertilized, and watered her roses, paying careful attention to its needs. She would say, “Roses are like friends. You get out as much as you put in.”

Indeed, it takes time; you don’t just give up on them. Struggles in life are like the seasons to a rose. There is a time when its beauty is brilliant and heavy with perfume, but when the seasons turn they are left to wilt and withdraw. Unfortunately, I have allowed a lot of my relationships to wither and die. I have neglected to nourish them and instead have given little attention and care. Despite this, I desire a vibrant, meaningful experience with another person.

With each stroke of my brush against the canvas, I visualized the perfect rose and once again I was reminded of the wisdom my mother had imparted to me. While my neck became sore from hours of careful attention, a tremendous burst of color played across the canvas creating the radiance of a rose.

It took me nearly 50 hours to paint the roses that I’ve enclosed in this blog. Not a day went by that I didn’t think of my mother and how she would have enjoyed my painting. I miss her probably more than anything else, but then again, I miss a lot of things: relationships, friends, people that I’ve neglected or hurt. I ask myself: is there a friendship I need to attend to? Is there a phone call I should make—a connection long overdue? I must remember that like a rose, friendships or love must be physically nurtured; a connection face-to-face, heart-to-heart.

I ask you to remember, as well, that love involves care, attentiveness, compassion, consideration, forgiveness, time, energy, laughter and tears. Lay your technology aside and tend to your roses. They are waiting for you.


To your inspiration,


Posted in Ron's Thoughts.


  1. Hi Ron

    Good to get your messages again. wonderful & thoughtful. My Mom & Sister were just
    down for a week visit. My Mom is 89 I am very blessed to still have her around. What a beautiful painting. Roses are my favorite also.

    Thanks Wes

  2. Hi Ron,
    Love your message and painting of ROSES for your MOM! I’m nearly 87 now and the one person I miss most in my life is my own Mother!!! Fortunately GOD has given me two LOVING DAUGHTERS, and I wish I could give them LOVE ROSES every day!!!
    SILMY in Hongkong

  3. Ron! Your painting of the roses is amazing! I praise God for who you have become, Ron! God Bless you brother, Kevin

  4. Such an amazing lovely heartfelt story with my your Mother & the roses! You always amaze me Ron & love the painting! My mother who I lost at 59young loved flowers & roses! I would always make sure she had flowers & would surprise her as much as possible! You my friend are such an inspiration! You & your beautiful family are always in my prayers-heart! Keep Liv’in life to the fullest as only U can do! So proud to have your friendship-continued Bless’ins for you & family & keep mak’in your Amazing Art & being a Light in our much needed world! Thanks Ron

  5. You are such an inspiration and it is a lovely reminder to slow down and keep in touch with those we love, and how much we need to nourish our roses . Charlotte

  6. Gorgeous! I love this my friend! Thank you for the inspiration! It’s beautiful in every way!! So thankful for you! Blessings my brother! Would love to talk and catch u0p with you some time! Your friend, Berta aka Josephine Nelson

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