This is Ron with your motivational message,
I recently received an email from a gentleman where he told me that my book had made a huge impact. He read it when he was twenty years old and now his daughter reads it. I share this email today as it correlates with my recent Mouth painting of the Oregon Ducks, not the college team. I was inspired by a friend who said, “You should paint a duck butt.” Laughingly I said, “Why would I do that?” Interestingly enough I did the picture. Duck butt, a baby face, and a flower, all of which are reflected in the water. I guess we can call it a butt face flower reflection! All joking aside; the mother in this oil art piece naturally teaches her offspring the valuable lessons on survival. Her reflections resemble the lessons for her ducklings, her family. I know at times it’s crazy trying to raise 2 girls as a single dad. I wonder if they see more “rear end” reflecting, rather than teaching them to fish for their survival. My heart is to instill a healthy positive attitude in my young ladies. I hope and pray that they will see a positive mental attitude in the midst of my blunders. Being a parent is not an easy job, without our guidance, we leave them vulnerable to danger.
“How is my life reflecting for the future survival of our children?”
Was a question that came to me as I painted, and then I received this email.
“Hi Ron my name is Mathew I read your book when I was 20. I loved it. I am now 42, married and have 5 kids. “It was the first of a motivational series, my favorite books on the shelf.” One day my 8 year old daughter saw the book and asked, “What is this is about?” Not only did she read it, we discussed it together. The book was the turnaround for our attitude problems. We wake up and say, “It’s not a bad day.” My daughter is now 14 and actually had your book out tonight, as she shared with her friends. How this dude never gave up. Thanks for the impact you have had on me and my family for the last 22 years.”
Let’s ask ourselves today what part of our rear end flower face do people see?
There is nothing more satisfying then hearing encouraging words from others.
May our lives reflect faith, hope and love.
May we be filled with peace, patience, goodness and kindness.
To your inspiration,