Roni, A Dream Come True

This is Ron with your Motivational Message:

As I sat gazing over the freshly planted grass surrounding the first structure of Camp, Attitude, I was proud. I watched as a group of teenagers who, in spite of their own challenges, offered their physical labor to build a facility so that kids with all types of disabilities could roam and play freely. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see a lady approaching. “Boy, those kids did a good job. It sure is nice to see teenagers working with a positive attitude.” Reflecting on that statement, I jokingly said, “You must have some of your own.” “Yes, I do and have I had some challenges lately. In fact, you have probably heard already that my fifteen year old is pregnant.”

Little did she know that my ex-wife and I had been trying desperately to become pregnant. We had done just about everything, but the doctor’s final words were, “Ron, we’ve ran all the tests and you are not able to have children.” Lying in my bed that night, wide-eyed staring at the ceiling I pondered, “Maybe God doesn’t want me to have children.” To put my anxious thoughts to rest I said a prayer and slowly drifted off to sleep.

I had a dream that night in which I gave speech at a local high school. After the event I sat at my table, autographing books and talking to kids. The line of students was long and the problems they told me of were enormous. The last girl in line approached me. She had a beautiful smile, but very sad eyes. She told me that she was pregnant and was struggling with bad thoughts. The speech changed her thinking and she wondered if I knew of someone who wanted to adopt her baby. “This is it!” I yelled as I woke up to the same dark room. Yes, it was only a dream, but I knew in my heart that God was telling me that he had prepared a special child for us; a child already in this world in need of a good home with parents that loved her.

Weeks later, here I was sitting with Janice at the camp talking about her teenage daughter. As we spoke she added “Oh, yeah. You even spoke at her school.” Remembering the dream, I immediately blurted out, “Is she thinking about adoption?” She thought I was joking at first and then with a big smile said, “Wow. Wouldn’t that be wonderful?”

The day Roni was born was by far the most exciting and emotional day that I had experienced. We were with the young mother through the nine months; participating in the process, from ultrasounds to foods that she craved. When the day came, we sat inside the delivery room waiting for that moment. Suddenly the door opened and the nurse was holding our beautiful new baby. With tears streaming down my face, I asked the nurse to put the baby’s little face against mine. I softly whispered in her tiny ear “Daddy’s here.” It was an amazing moment and the bond with her was immediate. This is my little girl. She would be called, Roni, and she would always be a part of me.

It’s hard to believe that today is her 14th birthday. What a beautiful dream come true. Roni is growing up to be such a fine young lady, and I am one proud dad.

Roni and I would like to thank all of you young mothers who have given the ultimate sacrifice, who did the right thing and considered adoption. Many lives have been blessed beyond measure. Roni will change the world and I’m grateful to be a part of that wonderful process. Happy Birthday, Roni! May all your dreams come true!

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To your inspiration,


Posted in Ron's Thoughts.

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