“Skip” That Elevator

This is Ron with your Motivational Message:

This week has been one of the toughest weeks I think I have ever had to face, and I must admit, I’m in no mood to write a motivational message.  To make matters worse, I was scheduled to have eye surgery for my glaucoma, which included a two-hour drive in the Oregon rain.  I was rightfully feeling overwhelmed and a bit down when I could not find a ride to my appointment, but
Thank God that my father was willing to be with me.  To have him with me felt like a cool cup of water on a hot summer day.  It is nice to have a close relative near when things are not going your way.

As we proceeded to the hospital elevator, we were stalled by a large crowd of people sharing the same frustration: a lack of elevators.  As the doors opened for the third time, people pushed their way in front of us.  “Man, we just missed that one,” I said.
At that moment, I felt a gentleman pat me on the shoulder.  I turned to see a young man in his late 20’s-early 30’s and standing beside him was his lovely wife.  He told me it was “cool” that I was able to operate the chair with my chin.

“I have ALS and I’ll be looking at one of these things eventually, too,” he continued.  My “bah-humbug” heart was immediately opened, particularly knowing the complications of ALS.  I am familiar with this terrible disease because my Uncle Doug slowly lost everything, became completely paralyzed and ultimately passed away painfully.  Unfortunately, ALS has no cure at this time and
can happen to anyone at any time.

What amazed me about Skip was his positive attitude and gracious smile.  My negative attitude was challenged and although my pain did not dissipate, to have someone who was also in pain encourage me, meant so much.  If I would have had my way like all the other impatient folks, I might have missed meeting Skip.  I would have just been another person upset that others were boarding the elevator ahead of me.  It was truly destiny and an answer to my prayers that Skip and I met.  I asked God to give him more days filled with smiles and may he feel His peace during the Christmas season.

We should always keep our eyes out for opportunities to encourage others, as Skip did for me.  You never know whose life you may change.

To your inspiration,


Posted in Ron's Thoughts.

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