Someone cares for you…

Hi, this is Ron Heagy with your Motivation Monday Message that is actually a question….


What are you willing to sacrifice to help another person? 


Being a quadriplegic, I am often totally dependent on others to meet my most basic physical needs.  I am always appreciative of the care giving and support I receive; however, this week my secretary Amanda took the term “dedicated” to a whole new level!


My wife Kelli was on a much needed R&R vacation so with a full day of important meetings scheduled for Wednesday, on Tuesday night I found myself praying for safety for Amanda that she would arrive on time to pick me up. 


The next day at 8:00 a.m. I was all dressed up and ready to go and all I needed was my driver.  I nervously sat in my wheelchair in the driveway and it kind of reminded me of when I was a kid and the anticipation I felt as I waited for the school bus on the first day of school.  At 8:10 I began to get nervous because there was no sign of Amanda, she had not called, and it was unlike her to be late. 


Suddenly she came flying down the drive way, got out of her car and quickly strapped my chair into the van. After a few minutes of silence and the anticipation of a lame excuse she said “I am so sorry I am late Ron, but you will never believe what I just did to get here!”   Evidently she had grabbed a cup of coffee and gone out the second floor balcony of her house to enjoy the start of a new day, but when the door shut behind her she realized that she was locked out! 


She did not have her phone with her and all she could think of was that if she did not leave to pick me up, that I would be stranded just like she was.  Amanda realized that she really only had two choices; she could wait for someone to come by the house to rescue her, or she could jump approximately 12 feet and land on gravel with her bare feet.    Attack


I realized, since she was sitting next to me that she chose the 2nd option, “unbelievable.” It touched my heart that someone outside of my family cared enough about me to risk their life just so that I would not be left alone. I was so thankful for her efforts and even more thankful that God protected her. 


Amanda’s unselfish and heroic act made me stop to realize just how many wonderful people I have in my life.  I am truly grateful for each of you that have shared your time and resources to help me reach my goal of changing people’s lives.   


My challenge to you this week is to look deep inside and answer the question…. “What are you willing to sacrifice to make a difference?”  Amanda was willing to risk injury by jumping 12 ft off a porch, and one of my donor’s sacrifices a Starbucks coffee each week to support my ministry.  They are both heroes in my book and so are YOU!   


Have a great week and I challenge you to look for ways to change someone’s life and I promise it will change yours too!     


Posted in Ron's Thoughts.


  1. So where oh where is the site to get the t-shirt, and give for the 100mph car ride??? All I can get to is the per month donation. Thanks to whoever has the info.

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