This is Ron with your motivational message
First off,
I want to thank you my friend for all your support and prayers. As I continue to roll on,
your lives and your stories are making a positive impact on the lives of the kids I speak to by your involvement.
The encouragement and the stories I receive, has shown me how much we are all a like more than we are different.
“Mr. Heagy I found your smiley face guy and decided to not end it all”
Have you ever had an experience where you have been in a situation that was fearful, life threatening? Almost trapped by your own negative thoughts?
But then you felt the calming presence of your mind-voices from your past from individuals you have respected, admired. Or something you see reminds you of some very wise words that resonant with your soul.
I received a letter some years ago from a young lady who was experiencing so very bad times. She described in this letter how she felt that there was no help and went into her closet to make a choice that she could never take back.
“Don’t jump” “Don’t do it!” “Don’t run, you can do this!”
As she stepped inside, she recalled how she found a plush smiley face guy that I had signed and given to her years before. The young lady reflected upon how in that moment, she squeezed it, inspected it, and fondly remembered the school assembly. She spoke about a part of my presentation that really stuck with “Life is a choice, so never give up!” She recalled in her moment of darkness how I said that everyone has a purpose and a reason to live. And it saved her from making a very sad choice.
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Just recently I received a call.
I was talking to a friend this week, that said that she was on her way to visit a nearby lake on a beautiful sunny afternoon to let her dog romp and play.
On the way there she said her car started driving weird. Swaying a bit-to and fro. She pulled over and her tire was nearly flat. My friend was in no position to change a flat tire and was fifteen miles passed what could have been called a gas station. She wasn’t sure if she should go forward or to go back to the gas station. And being alone, she did not want to be caught stranded on the side of the road in unfamiliar territory.
She recalled as she told me this story; A portion of my book, a simple story of how I solved a problem when I too, had a similar situation, a flat tire in Los Angeles, California with everything I owned in a trailer at 11pm. My story of problem solving and ultimately driving down the road searching for a gas station in my wheelchair with my flat tire strapped to the feet rest. She told me by remembering that story in the midst of her struggles it helped her figure out what to do. It turns out a gas station was available a few miles ahead and she managed to get her tire inflated. She thanked me for telling my story in my book and how it helped her solve her own problem.
I feel like my life relates to the feeling of entrapment. For me it’s by paralysis and it takes a lot of effort to focus your attitude shift to see the bigger picture and not let it consume you. I don’t consider myself a hero, but more like a general of endurance despite the odds and life’s curveballs.
Stories like this remind me how important it is for each one of us to do what we can, in spite of our own struggles-to encourage others.
As I have written before, many young people have expressed the overwhelming feeling of giving up. And then they hear me speak and they feel like if Ron can do, I can do it.
I need your help,
There are many teens and young adults struggling with insurmountable problems, situations, and pain. There are way too many suicides among teens in our great nation and it ranks third as the leading cause of deaths of teens behind accidents and homicides. In fact, teenage girl attempted suicide has double over the last fifteen years. It’s an area that not many of us like to discuss.
Matter of fact we don’t even hear about it in the news anymore.
The one state with the highest rate of suicide overall is Hawaii. You may ask yourself, well how can that be?
The local families of Maui feel trapped liked in a box, on an island without many resources in an expensive economy. Many people that are buying land are rich. Leaving mainly service jobs for locals with high costs of living.
As you know or can imagine traveling to Hawaii is not easy nor is it cheap. I have seven schools lined up to present to this coming November. I personally cannot afford this trip and I am asking that you consider donating to deliver my message of hope and inspiration to the hearts of the youth in Maui schools.
Any amount will do. It takes an army to win a battle.
And I truly thank you for continuing this journey with me.
Simply (click here )and you will be directed to the page on my website or you can donate by mail.
As a thank you for donation, I will send you a Never Give Up bracelet.
For donations of $200 or more I would like to thank you with a mouth-painted print of my latest painting, the peacock.