This is Ron with your Motivational Message,
Feeling hot and bothered I tilted my wheelchair back so I could rest my head against the concrete wall across from my booth. The day was going by slow and the crowds were minimal at the fair. I typically paint all day at events with limited breaks but as this day in particular got hotter I began feeling lethargic and overheated from temperatures over 100 degrees.
The rows of booths and their attendees around me were the only company in the building. Most of the visitors who did come inside crowded around the super fans that blew misted water and air to gain some relief.
After I rested for a while, I rolled back to my booth to take a large gulp of iced tea and to try to focus on more painting.
I was adding color to my canvas with a paintbrush in my teeth when a lady came up to me and asked if I was a speaker.
She started talking to me about how her mother took her to a youth rally when she was younger in California where I was presenter. She introduced herself as Amanda and continued on saying that I really inspired her when I was younger and touched her heart. Amanda continues to use that strength today to inspire her students..
Your life, and how God has used it, has also impacted 11 years of teenage art students at Ralls HS in Ralls, TX. Your art hung over my desk for all of those years and anytime a student said, “I can’t” I just pointed to your painting and your signature. I didn’t get many “I can’t” repeats… I know that “I can’t ” really means “God can!” I couldn’t always share that part in the public school system, but with some students I was able to. Your life has taught me how God can use me, even through my limitations if I allow Him to. God’s power is limitless! When people say “God won’t give you more than you can handle…” That just isn’t true… Through life we will experience more than we can burden alone. My mom’s early onset Alzheimer’s is proof of that. Yet, in our weakest we are the strongest, because it is then we remember to let Him carry the load. Thanks again!!! Your story forever changed me, and generations to come. I get to share your story with my two daughters now. Anyway, sorry for rambling, I am just so humbled and blessed to cross paths with you again. Thank you for your time! Oh and my Momma still wears the “Attitude” t-shirt to sleep in! She may not remember why anymore but you impacted both of us in a huge way. Until next time…
Love, Prayers, & Hugs,
Thank you so very much! You have truly enriched my life.
-Amanda Stewart
So keep on doing your dreams and sharing your story.
Even if there seems to be no glory!
You never know just how much you may have impacted others.
To your inspirations,
I just returned from my Lubbock, TX trip and was able to have some priceless moments with my momma. I told her I had the opportunity to visit with you again at a fair and watched you paint. I reminded her of your story and she smiled and nodded and smiled some more. My daughters and I were looking at your FB page and blog and stumbled on this. I am humbled and honored and still on cloud 9 from our meeting. It isn’t everyday you get to thank a major influence in your life! Thank you again!!! Roll on Ron!