This is Ron with your Motivational Message:
Last weekend I was feeling a bit down and discouraged. I kept beating myself up for mistakes that I had made in the past and was feeling as if I was a disappointment to God. Even as I write this, I feel it sounds silly and pessimistic, but the honest truth was my feelings were real. The more I allowed myself to think negative thoughts and refused forgiveness, the deeper my discouragement became. I realized that way of thinking was getting me nowhere fast. I decided to do something for someone else.
Earlier in the week a friend had mentioned that they visited nursing homes to make others happy. So, I thought it’d be a great idea to take my two daughters, Roni and Gracie, to the Dollar Tree to purchase Valentine cards for nursing home residents. My girls signed the cards and prepared them to be handed out. We arrived at the nursing home with our surprises in hand and smiles on our faces. The first floor we visited was designated for physical rehabilitation patients. We were so excited to bring our gifts to the residents. Some of them had not had visitors in quite a while, so our visit was a welcome and joyous one.
On our way to the bottom floor, there was a change in atmosphere. It felt dark and my heart immediately felt heavy. Unlike most of the residents in physical rehabilitation who would one day be able to return home, the residents on the bottom floor lived there permanently. This was likely the last place that they would live, which was an unhappy thought. Yet, in the midst of this environment, Roni and Gracie were able to bring a smile to the many troubled faces. It was almost as if our presence was a light that pierced through the darkness, if only for a moment. Once again, I could feel things coming back into perspective for my own life.
I left the nursing home with a feeling of gratitude. I was forced to focus on the blessings that I do have. Even though my challenges are real, all of my feelings come down to this: I have a choice. I can either focus on what I have or focus on all the things I wish I had. Again, it is easy to get blind-sided by this flashy world and our lists of accomplishments. I have been blessed by true friendships and God has given me a testimony that I can share with others to point them back to what is real in this world. I matter, I am loved and God has a plan for me. He has one for you too!
The girls and I are truly thankful for what we have. In closing, I want to thank you for being my friend; I appreciate your encouragement. Today I challenge you, the next time that you feel discouraged as I did, to go visit a place where you are reminded that you are blessed.
For a little added inspiration, I also have made a video that I would like to share with you. Please enjoy!
If you cannot view video, please click here:–AyW5iXUw69w&index=1
To your inspiration,
Hi Ron
Great message today. When I get down with body aches, back hurting, I do think of “Ron” sitting there in the chair giving us painting’s & great thoughts & how hard it must be for you to do this. Kind of brings me back to reality. It is a great pleasure knowing you & hearing of your struggles and pleasures in life. One day we will meet in person.
Your message touched me in this way: My mother spent her last 3 years in a nursing home. Her mind was very good, but her body gave out because of the aging process. She was a Christian but at times would say “Why can’t I die? I think God has forgotten about me”. It was difficult to know what to say to her .
A person should never promise a parent they will “never be sent to a nursing home”. It is a promise you cannot keep. God eventually took her to her heavenly home,so she got her wish. It was in His own timing, though. She always enjoyed visits from children and other people that took time to go there, even though it is not a pleasant place to spend much time, unless you can go back out the door. Thank you for taking time to do that with your daughters!
Great message, brother Ron.
So true! We focus on ourselves and it’s easy to feel disappointed, discouraged, even ungrateful. But step out to help someone else, and all of a sudden our negatives melt away.
You are an inspiration, my friend. Keep up the good work, and God Bless you!
– Pastor Dan
Wow! Ron God is so good.Through our trails and suffering is how we are refined like gold. You continue to be an inspiration to many. It’s always wonderful to pay it forward ( the golden rule ). I’m in a chair also and my amazing 5 children have been through very similar things and we were always blessed.
God Bless,
Nancy Hall
Ron, I understand discouragement. Discouragement is a daily battle for so many reasons. When I saw you in church last Saturday I was immediately encouraged as Cindy and I were coming in late, looking for a seat. Just seeing you there really lifted my spirit! And now, hearing that you and your daughters were recently visiting folks in a nursing home really touches my heart as both of my parents and my aunt spent their final days in a nursing home in Dallas, Oregon, dependent on visits from people from the community outside of the nursing home to brighten their day. My folks often talked about how family visits brought incredible amounts of encouragement to them.
Two scripture verses immediately come to mind that I’d like to share with you. The first verse, 1 Thessalonians 5:11, was a verse given to us as a congregation at Morningstar Church some time ago as a memory verse; “Therefore encourage one another and build one another up, just as you are already doing.” The second verse is one I have been meditating on a lot recently because I forget that I can choose how I respond to my circumstances in life – something you help me with over and over and over again. In John 14:1 Jesus tells his disciples just before His arrest in the Garden of Gethsemane, “Let not your heart be troubled; you believe in God, believe also in Me.”
‘let not…’ as opposed to, ‘let…’.
‘Roll On Ron’… as opposed to, ‘sit where you are…’.
A good laugh when I absentmindedly reintroduce my brother again… instead of stumbling over embarrassment…
So we are encouraged Ron even as we encourage others. We know God raised Jesus from the dead! And we have hope eternal in our salvation in our Lord Jesus Christ! One more verse to share, again from John 14. Jesus is preparing His disciples for the discouragement He knew they would face so He says, “Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.”
Great message Ron!! You are a inspirational to all and I thank you for these video messages. They really touch my heart and lift up my day!
Keep these video messages up, I enjoy reading them and passing them along. I know they are touching lives. God Bless!
Thank you for all of the kind words, friends. I enjoy reading your comments and I appreciate that you took the time to leave them. I hope that we will have another opportunity to do this again–we learned so much. To those of you with loved ones currently in nursing homes, know that they will be in my thoughts and prayers.
Great stuff Ron, great stuff….All of it. I can’t begin to tell you how inspiring you are. We watched your documentary in my speech class, and it just amazed me, all of what you’ve been through, and what you’ve had to do to get where you are now. Major props.
I tried to send a comment days ago but somehow it appears it was not received. I met you several years ago at an AIM health convention.This was even before Gracie was born! I have severalof your paintings and prints. You have been such an inspiration to me all these years. I know about the blessing of Nursing Homes; those you receive for those you give. What a wonderful way to teach our children
…After over 50 years of ministry in the homes,jails and prisons I am now blessed to minister to Youth At Risk in homes provided by the Florida Sherrifs Youth Ranches. I volunteer as a Chaplain and teach the Youth and their House Parents Nutrition. Dr. Mary Ruth Swope donated her books on LIFELONG HEALTH for the classes. By the way I have pictures of Dr. Swope holding Gracie when she was a baby. Dr. Swope is alive and well at the age of 93 in Phoenix, Arizona. We stay in touch weekly and she sends her best wishes to you and your family. KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK AND BE BLESSED. Christine Smiith in Tampa, Florida