This is Ron with your Motivational Message:
The following short video is a story of how my perfect plans were spoiled, yet something even more wonderful became of it. Do you ever have those days when nothing seems to go right? Watch my video and let me know if you can relate:
If you cannot view the video, please click here:–AyW5iXUw69w&index=1&feature=plcp
Please continue to pray for my wife and I. The accident that we were in on June 28th is still causing physical pain and serious inconvenience.
Hope you’re having a great summer and keeping an Attitude of Gratitude!
To your inspiration,
Thanks for this, Ron. I needed the reminder. Sometimes it’s easy to start wallowing in pity wondering why my sales and money flow aren’t better, especially when the debt seems to climb ever higher and the family has growing needs. But there’s got to be a reason and an elegant solution around the corner that I just can’t see right now. Still got faith it’s there though.
Thanks for the message that was aimed straight at my heart. I am grateful to you and your everyday inspirations. Mt prayers are with you, Kelli and the girls. Hugs in abundance!
You are so right Ron. Great message. When our plans get changed sometime we also need to look for the reason they got changed. You could have just left that restaurant without talking to Isacc but you chose to interact with him which made the day for the both of you.
Hello Ron, I think it is great how you always seem to find the good in what seems to be a bad day. It does seem that God sometimes happens to change our plans for what we believe to be the the worst of what could possibly be a great situation or day. But when we take some time to look at our situation we can sometimes find that God’s plan uses our abilities for what happens to be a greater good then what we originally intended for ourselves.
Thank you for the motivational message please keep them coming.