Ron’s Newest Artwork

This is Ron with your Motivational Message:

Sometimes doing the impossible is simply the right thing to do.  So many times we place limits on ourselves because of insecurities.  Instead of making an attempt, we look at something and say, “I can’t do that.”  Maybe today is the day for you to try something new.

At my last speaking engagement, I was asked by a seven year old, “How can you paint with your mouth?”  It was a valid question.  He was struggling to visualize the action and therefore could not understand why it was possible.

Very often we are inspired to try a new activity after watching someone else doing the impossible.  Click the video to see me put the finishing touches on my latest oil painting–“Seeing is believing!”  Now go do your thing and be an inspiration to someone else!


If you cannot view the video, please click here:

To your inspiration,



A note from the Never Give Up staff:

Remember to vote for Ron in this year’s CNN Heroes contest!

A friend of ours has pointed us to a unique opportunity for Ron and we wanted to share it with his friends.  Once a year, CNN holds its CNN Heroes event, where people can nominate someone in their life who has made a difference.  If you have felt like Ron has had an impact on your life, please consider nominating him as a 2012 CNN Hero by going to and clicking “Nominate a Hero.”  It has been suggested that when selecting the category of hero (there are a few to choose from), you choose “Protecting the Powerless: Advancing the cause of human or equal rights.”

This is a great opportunity for Ron and his family, so please don’t hesitate to be a participant–it only takes 5 minutes, but makes a significant difference.  If you have friends who have been inspired by Ron, please pass this along to them, too.  Vote for Ron and together we can help him keep “rolling on!”

Once again, the website is:

If you have any questions or suggestions to further this project, please email me at

-Margaret, Never Give Up Staff Member

To donate to Never Give Up:

To donate to Ron and family:

Ron says, S.T.O.P.

This is Ron with your Motivational Message:

This past week I had the opportunity to speak at my daughter’s elementary school.  I was scheduled to share my story with the first and second graders, but to my surprise, they spiced things up a bit by including a class of kindergartners.  I was given 30 minutes to captivate and inspire the children.  Keeping the story alive and interesting for that amount of time and for that age group was a difficult task.  My nerves suddenly settled after I saw my beautiful little girl sitting right in front of me wearing her daddy’s favorite dress and a big toothless smile.

It was an amazing experience to see the expressions on the children’s faces and to top it off, they were very attentive and emotionally responsive.  I could tell the students were experiencing something for the first time and it changed their thinking regarding the potential of themselves and others.  It lifted my soul to see their positive reactions to what is possible, even when you experience severe limitations.

After my presentation, students and staff passed by the table where Kelli and Gracie stood displaying my paintings, books, and smiley faces.  Many students came up to me and told me things like, “Good Job!”, “Roll on, Ron!”, and “You painted that with your mouth?!”

When life becomes a bit cloudy and it’s hard to see the hope, it is an experience like this that parts the clouds, allowing the sun to shine through.  I thank God I was given this awesome opportunity.  The following is an email I received the same day of the presentation from a mother whose child attended the assembly:

“Today you did an assembly at Clover Ridge Elementary where my 7 yr old son attends.  I wanted to share with you how excited he was when get got home.  First words out of his mouth were all about Roll On Ron!  My son does not get all excited about to much but whatever you said you really made an impression on him.  He even wanted to check out your website.  It was so awesome to see him excited about something other than cartoons and video games lol.

He was trying to share the STOP acronym with me but could not remember what each letter stood for.  He has them all but the O.  Could you fill us in?”

The following video is of Ron’s acronym for S.T.O.P.:


If you cannot view the video, please click here:–AyW5iXUw69w&index=1&feature=plcp

To your inspiration,


To donate to Never Give Up:

To donate to Ron and family:

Appreciation, Not Discrimination

This is Ron with your Motivational Message:

Appreciation: Recognition of quality, value, significance, or magnitude of people…an expression of gratitude.

I recently had one of those days when I felt life wasn’t fair.  I have been working hard to show the government how difficult it is for me to work without the assistance of others, but the bureaucracy surrounding Social Security Disability Income, that day, had really ticked me off.  I felt like I was being punished for simply trying to do the good work.  I thought to myself, “this is discrimination!  If I don’t qualify for Disability benefits, then who does?”  I could have gone on and on about how unfair the system is, but my thoughts were interrupted by a little voice, “why don’t you find something positive to think about?”  So, please join me in watching my video, “Appreciation, Not Discrimination”:


If you cannot view the video, please click here:–AyW5iXUw69w&index=1&feature=plcp

As I pondered the people that I appreciate, Donnita Dyer rose to the surface of my thoughts.  Donnita is the reason why I have such a well-written autobiography.  I cannot conjure up the words that would truly express the appreciation I have for her.  She dedicated so much of her time and invested an enormous amount of energy writing Never Give Up.  If you have read my book, then you too, have first-hand knowledge of her wonderful ability to communicate through the written word.  Donnita not only did a great job on the book, but she became a good friend.  I could appropriately call her my “second mother.”  If you have not had an opportunity to read my book, I encourage you to order a copy today and I would be more than happy to autograph it for you.  It may be the book you need if you are feeling a lack of inspiration, motivation, or enthusiasm.

To order a copy of Ron’s book:

With an Attitude of Gratitude,


To donate to Never Give Up:

To donate to Ron and Family:

May Lithograph Sale!

Hello, friends,

It’s May, and time again for a Lithograph Sale!  In addition to the Eternal Light and Protect Your Own prints, we also had these lovely Native Heritage prints stashed away.  We really enjoyed being able to share so many lithographs with Ron’s friends and supporters and we’re excited to announce Native Heritage will be on discount this month at $20.00 per print (with free shipping and handling)!  Measuring 23” by 30”, this high-quality lithograph makes a great eye-catching addition to any room or office, and is signed personally by Ron.  Spread the inspiration to friends and loved ones or decorate your own favorite space.

As with our previous lithograph sale, in order to receive the special discount on the print, you will need to email us at and let us know how you would like to submit your payment.  If you have a PayPal account, you can send a $20.00 payment directly to our account (, making sure to send us an email informing us of the payment you made.  Other options include calling our office at 541-926-1839 (Monday through Friday, 10:30am to 3:00pm) or sending a check by mail to:

Never Give Up

P.O. Box 972

Albany, OR 97321

Native Heritage

Remember: to receive the discount, let us know that you are interested—if you order from the website it will charge you the full amount.

To your inspiration,


To donate to Never Give Up:

To donate to Ron and Family:

Happy Mother’s Day!

This is Ron with your Motivational Message:

Mother’s Day should be every day!  I can’t imagine what this world would be like if it were not for mothers.  I want to take this opportunity to say, “you are awesome!”  May your day be filled with love, joy, and a big bouquet of happiness.

My mind is full of truly wonderful memories of the experiences I enjoyed with my mom.  I feel a sense of sadness as I write this blog; it is difficult to be without my mother on such a special day.  When my mother went to be with Jesus four years ago, my heart broke and I was filled with overwhelming loss.  As part of my therapy in dealing with the grief, I wrote a tribute to her.

If writing personal thoughts about my mother wasn’t hard enough, I took it a step further and made a choice to read the tribute at my mother’s memorial service.  As hundreds of people filed into the church to celebrate her life, I came close to bailing out because it seemed too painful.   It was not like any other speech and I came close to not sharing it because it seemed too painful.  It was extremely emotional, yet through my tears I was able to pull it off.  Looking back, I would say, it was the most meaningful presentation that I had given in all my life.

Sometimes we wait thinking that there’s always more time, but before it’s too late, let’s tell those we love how much they mean to us.  So grab a pencil and paper (not to mention a handful of tissues) and take a few minutes to write something personal to your mother.  Before you begin your letter of love, I would encourage you to read my tribute to my mother, Theresa.  This is near and dear to my heart, as well as private and personal, but I feel that it will inspire you.

Instead of buying just another card that someone else wrote, maybe it’s time to sit down and send your mother a letter of love from your heart, as you ponder the life of your mother.

Before reading my tribute, I hope you enjoy this video featuring a clip of my wonderful mother.  She would tease me that if I didn’t paint she wouldn’t feed me.  Haha, 🙂 [youtube][/youtube]

If you cannot view video, please click here:[/

The Legacy of my Mother, Theresa

MY MOTHER was the most unselfish person I have ever known.  She took pride in helping others; always going the extra mile.
My mother was grateful and proud of what God gave her. She cleaned her house daily (most of it was picking up after my father).  She took pride in cooking and baking healthy, fabulous meals.  She sewed everything you could imagine; she painted, sculpted and worked hard for her employers.

My mother loved camping and she made sure all of us kids got numerous wonderful outdoor experiences.  From setting up camp to gathering firewood, fishing, hiking, roasting hotdogs and marshmallows and telling stories around the campfire.

My mother never failed to look beautiful.  She always fixed her hair and wore very little makeup to illuminate her deep blue eyes,
her soft cheeks and gorgeous lips. Mom took good care of her teeth and when she smiled it was like the sun coming out; it just warmed your soul.

My mother was known to get things done and she wasted very little time.  If she was helping my dad and he was moving too slow he would turn around to say something and she would be already off doing something else.

My mother loved to work outdoors and she took pride in having a big garden and a gorgeous flower bed.  Her favorite flower was the rose and as a young boy I remember her describing the many blessings of the rose.  From its soft delicate petals, its brilliant
colors, the smell of its sweet fragrance, to the fresh kisses of water drops magnifying the colors.  My mother will forever be my rose.

My mother could heal anything with her gentle touch and her warm hugs could make any pain go away.  She also had a special way of knowing when we needed her. One time when I was trying to get my masters degree in san Diego mom called out of the blue and asked; “How ya doing Ronnie?”  I said “just great mom! How are you?”  After a brief silence she softly asked, “how are you really doing?” I burst into tears and sobbed “TERRIBLE MOM, JUST TERRIBLE!”

My mother loved my father and he loved her.  From the time I was a kid I remember them hugging kissing, laughing and boy could they dance!  Everyone would stop and watch my dad gracefully and tenderly sweeping his Cinderella across the floor. She loved to travel taking in the beauty of God’s creation and her favorite trips were romantic cruises with my father.

My mother loved animals and she would tell me that her all time dream was to have her own animal shelter, but if you ask dad he would say she DID have one.  Bless his heart he put up with a lot of animals, numerous dogs and cats, pigs, chickens and we all remember her vicious rooster.  She also had birds, sheep, lamas, rabbits squirrels, chipmunks and even a skunk.   Her favorite was a turkey named thumper, a dog named Sampson and a little green Quaker named pretty bird.  That bird would fly around the house saying praise the lord, praise the lord!  To be honest it freaked me out because it would sometimes land on my head and I would have to try to nod it off.  Oh I forgot, in case you didn’t know 50 % of these animals slept in mom and dads bed. Boy, isn’t that romantic!

My mother loved her family and she was always there for her kids even though 2 of them caused her a lot grief (I can’t say who they were but one of them was not mike). Mom felt our pain and never gave up on us.  She believed in us all the way to the end. As most of you know she took over my care when I broke my neck 28 years ago.  She was determined to see me through my ordeal and she always told me that with God there are no accidents, only incidents.    She stayed up all night if necessary so I would not choke on my respirator.  For 4 years she dedicated her life to me and if it wasn’t for her loving hands I surely wouldn’t be here testifying of her love today.  She gave me and showed me my never give up attitude and I will be forever grateful for the gift of life, love, hope, motivation, and inspiration she blessed me with.

My mother loved to laugh and each of us has our own special story.  The two that stand out the most for me are what I call the lawn mower story and when I filled my pants.  On a sunny spring day mom and I sat basking peacefully in the sun at our log home in Brownsville.  The silence was broken when dad proudly rolled by on his riding lawn mower. Looking at us all cool in his big straw hat he gave a little wave. Distracted by his bathing beauty he didn’t see the sturdy apple tree branch. Wham dad was knocked clear off the seat and landed with a thug on his backside. Dazed and confused he stood up staggering too gain his balance.  Suddenly he realized the lawn mower was racing- on its own- still mowing-straight towards the river bank!  Like a drunken sailor he franticly took off running for the mower   Thank God dad made it just in time to save the his day. By this time mom had completely lost it… tears rolled down her cheeks as she laughed hysterically Dad hunch over holding himself up to catch
his breath heard the laughter He yelled oh sure Terry jean thanks a lot.

My mother also loved camp attitude and she believed that children with disabilities should be able to experience the outdoors like her family did.  She was the first person to come along side my dream and help and because of her a fully wheelchair accessible camp is now a reality.  Her favorite job at the camp was to be the official weed terminator.  She would spend hours spraying the trails & flower beds to make them beautiful.

My Mother also loved her friends and family.  I want to say thanks to my family for all they have done for my mother.

Pennie Jean-my sister- you are an angel and I am so proud of you.  My heart is full of gratitude for you.  You were there for Moms every need and you are the greatest nurse I have known next to mom herself.  Thank you for being at her side day in and out.  You demonstrated to all of us what true love is all about.

Michael Clifford , my brother- what a tender spirit you possess.  The way you touched mom and softly massaged her weary muscles was amazing.  When you hugged her and kissed her I felt the deepness of your heart for our mother.  Thank you for being there for her and for me.  What a wonderful man you have become.

Ronald Charles Heagy Sr…my amazing father, thanks for showing me what a man does when his wife is hurting.  Dad you took care of my mom 24-7.  You were there every step of the way.  You were tender and compassionate doing anything and everything to care for your bride. Because of you mom maintained her dignity and self respect.  You cleaned, vacuumed, did laundry, dusted, mopped, scrubbed toilets doing everything imaginable for your wife.  Thanks dad for being a true Godly man. I am and always will be proud to be your son.  May God bless you, hold you and strengthen you through the lonely times in the future. Dad we all love you very much!

Kelli my beautiful wife- you are truly the love of my life.  Thank you for being there for me and the family, for taking such good care of me so I could be by my mom.  Because of you my mom can rest in peace knowing you will be there for me.  I love you so much!

To our friends and families, mom loved you dearly and we as a family are forever grateful for all you have done for all the calls, notes, flowers and all the special meals you shared with our family, we want to say thank you from the bottom of our hearts for being there. You have no idea how much it means to us.  As you know my mother  loved Jesus and God’s word.  She walked by faith and she ran her race to win and now she has received her prize.  She lived, laughed, loved and most of all …she left a legacy.

Theresa Jean Heagy will live on through her family, friends and all who knew her.  The world is a better place not because she
lived but because she-lived-well.

Thank you my precious mother for giving me life meaning and purpose.  Thanks for believing in me.  I am truly grateful for your wisdom, encouragement, inspiration, motivation and enthusiasm for life.  I will painfully miss
you.  Thank you from the depths of my soul for being my mother, my mom my best friend… 

Mom looks forward to being with us for eternity.

May we all leave with the love of Jesus in our hearts. Again we thank you for being here may God bless you

Lovingly written by Ron Heagy Jr. on 4/24/08


Getting Dumped by a Dog

This is Ron with your Motivational Message:

I don’t know about you, but lately it seems that my family and friends, including myself, have experienced some form of rejection.  At some point we will all have to deal with rejection, but knowing that does not necessarily make it any easier to take.  After some research, I found a list of 7 helpful tips that can help you deal with rejection—I hope that you will find them useful:

“It is inevitable you will be turned down at various points in your life.  It is not a nice experience to have, but thankfully it is possible to learn how to handle rejection without letting it destroy you. Here are 7 tips on what you can do:

1. Don’t
take it personally.
There are times in our lives when we are rejected simply because of timing. If you ask someone out to lunch but they have already eaten lunch, they may say “no” Some rejections have nothing to do with us. So if you got turned down, do not second guess that you are no good or that no one likes you. It may just be a question of timing!

2. Think positively. It can be hard to think positively when you have been rejected, but try to turn the tables on this. If someone
declines your offer for a social event, think about all the times when you have said no to others as well. Also, sometimes, getting rejected is a blessing in disguise. It may provide you with the space for something bigger that is about to happen!

3. Listen to the rejection carefully. It is important to pay attention to the reason for the rejection. This will tell you if you have a second chance or not. If you apply for a job and the Human Resource Director says “Not now, but call me in three months,” you can choose to focus on the part about timing. Try asking a follow up question to understand why you are being rejected now and get creative in coming up with an alternative solution.

4. Be kind to yourself. Being rejected is a disappointment to say the least. It can be very frustrating to put yourself out there for
either personal or professional reasons and then, be told “no.” So, be kind to yourself after getting rejected in some way. Engage in positive self talk and encourage yourself for the future. Do not be silly by drowning your sorrows in food, alcohol, cigarettes or overspending.

5. Have confidence in who you are. Learn to have confidence that people will like you just as you are and to make yourself the best “you” that you can be. Engage in hobbies and activities that you. Laugh and sparkle! People will respond in amazing ways and you will get to experience less rejection!

6. Know that everyone gets rejected. There are six billion people on this earth. We are all beautiful, unique and different. There are times we are in demand and times we may get rejected. Knowing that rejection is an emotion that many people go through is a reality check! So get over your victim mentality and move on!

7. Try and try again. A popular sales motto is that it takes twenty “nos” to get to one “yes.” Many successful authors like Robert
Kiyosaki and Mark Victor Hansen got their manuscripts rejected several times by publishing houses before they hit big time! Learn from these authors. Do not therefore take rejection as a sign of failure. Instead, press on in your dreams!

A lot of rejection is not the actual rejection, but how you handle it. If you engage in positive self-talk and have a confident attitude, it is possible to attract a better outcome. Hence, keep picking yourself up when you fall. Do not feel daunted but rejoice because you have found one less way to being turned down. So, even if a new party says “no” to you, you will always be able to transform your negative state of mind to a more empowering one!”


If you cannot view the video, please click here:–AyW5iXUw69w&index=1&feature=plcp

And don’t forget to pray!  “A prayer in faith can move mountains.”  Proverbs 3:5,6

To your inspiration,


My Mom

This is Ron with your Motivational Message:

Sometimes we do not realize how much we have been blessed with until it is too late.  April 23rd, was the day my mother passed away four years ago.  Once again I was reminded how we forget about those that mean so much to us.

My memories traced back to the phone call I received from my sister, Penny.  “Mom’s tests came back and it doesn’t look good.  She has cancer.”  My heart dropped; I felt numb and a wave of disbelief washed over me.  My thoughts were: “Can this be true? Mom is only 66 and healthy.”  After about an hour of pouring my heart out to God, I finally decided to call Mom.  She answered the phone with her usual cheerful voice.  She said, “instead of sitting around worrying and being sad, let’s go do something!”

Click here to view Ron’s video of a moment with Mom:


If you cannot view the video, please click here:–AyW5iXUw69w&index=1&feature=plcp

My mother loved flowers, so my sister and I took her to a nearby nursery.  Taking in the sweet perfume, we gazed intently upon the vibrant colors of the flowers.  The afternoon was perfect and we wrapped up the day by putting the plants we bought into flower boxes at Mom and Dad’s home.  As we planted, we reminisced over old times and talked about the future.   I must admit, we made the right choice to not have a pity party.  Our special day was wonderful and filled with peace and the presence of love.  Those moments will always be very precious to me.

In memory of my mother, Theresa, Kelli and I took our four daughters to a local nursery.  Our girls looked so beautiful in their spring dresses.  It was a joy to watch them explore the nursery, gazing at the various colors, shapes and sizes of each plant variety.  They each picked out their own special plant for a flower box, just like my Mother and I had done four years earlier.  The weather was also pleasant; the sun shined warm and bright, just as it had with Mom.  Kelli and I had not done this with our girls before, but I’m grateful for the memories that motivated us to do so.  I hope to make this a family tradition and dedicate it to my mother, Theresa.

Can you to reflect back to a bright moment that you had with your parents?  Could that moment possibly be integrated into your family’s lives?  What a blessing it could be.  I would love to hear your stories!  Please remember: we can turn tragedy into triumphs, losses into gains and negatives into positives.  My Mom’s days were numbered but she lived them to the fullest.  Would you?

With love and thankfulness for your friendship and support,

Ron and Kelli

To donate to Never Give Up:

To donate to Ron and Family:

“No, You Pray First”

This is Ron with your Motivational Message:

On Easter weekend, my family and I went to the Saturday Night Service at our church.  The music and message really touched my heart and gave me a renewed sense of hope, something I have not felt a lot of lately.  During the service, I thought to myself how desperate I was for prayer; specific things I knew could only come from God.  The service ended and as we were leaving, I ran into my friend Sam.  I took an exit that I normally do not take, so the odds of us meeting were extremely high.  Sam is a very bright individual in his 50’s, and like myself, he has faced many medical challenges.  Sam told me that he was very concerned about his upcoming appointment with his neurosurgeon.  After many surgeries, Sam was deemed unable to work and now has to walk using a cane.  We went to find a quiet spot where we could talk privately.  After sitting down, Sam said, “I need you to pray for me.  My neurosurgeon has been talking about taking my driver’s license away.”  Because of a few small seizures Sam had experienced in the past, his neurosurgeon was concerned that he would no longer be fit to drive.  This would result in a rather great loss of independence for Sam.  It was strange, I remember the last time I had seen Sam I had thought it was so wonderful that he could still drive.


If you cannot view the video, please click here:

Even though I was hoping for someone to pray for me that day, my attention was moved to Sam.  I was very aware of his desperation and could feel the discouragement he was experiencing.  I could definitely relate to the loss in independence.  I prayed for Sam throughout that day and into the following day when he had his appointment.  Sam called afterwards, and said, “I’ve got good news!  Despite all of the reasons that they could take my license, they chose not to!”  I was as excited as he was that he could hold onto this freedom.  After discussing the awesome outcome, I felt comfortable sharing some of my current struggles.  He said a prayer for me, and by the next day, the most wonderful thing happened: the Lord had answered both of our prayers!

Kelli and I have been worrying over my medical bills and how we’d be able to cover them lately, and unbeknownst to us, two loving sets of friends had contributed funds to help offset the cost!  We are so grateful to be able to move forward in purchasing necessary medical supplies.  I am humbled and grateful for Sam’s prayers.  I also have a big thank you to all of our supporters—each of you makes such a difference in my family’s life.

I’m not sure how God makes all of this work, but it’s quite obvious to me that when we take time to listen and pray for others that we open ourselves up to being blessed.  I think it’s important for us all to take a moment from our busy lives and unselfishly pray for someone else.  More than likely, it will change their life.

To your inspiration,


To donate to Never Give Up:

To donate to Ron and Family:


This is Ron with your Motivational Message:

A few years ago, I had the opportunity to speak at the Fullness of Life Foundation; a non-profit organization that provides financial support to families with children who have life-threatening illnesses.  Following my speech, I was introduced to a boy named Santos.  Santos had been diagnosed with inoperable brain tumors.  Despite his prognosis, his positive spirit shined through; he emanated hope and joy.  He and I immediately connected; I could not help but want to hug him.  I asked his mother if she could help him onto my wheelchair.  Holding back tears, I did the best I could to hug him with what flexibility I had.  His soft, young face pressed against mine and I told him that I loved him.  It was so hard to see his smiling face and know what pain he was in.   His unselfish love was evident to all that were around him.

During the course of our conversation with Santos and his mother, I found myself smiling each time I looked at Santos.  However, I could honestly say, that I had trouble fighting back the emotions that were welling up inside.  Santos noticed the Smiley face I had hanging from the chin-control on my wheelchair and kept squeezing it.  I asked him if he would like to have the Smiley face.  He looked me in the eyes and a glowing smile engulfed his small face; I could feel the presence of God in him.  Words cannot express what I felt that day, I just know that I will be forever changed by the honor of meeting Santos.  Kelli and I’s experience with Santos made me realize how much we take for granted in life.

Santos and I

It has been a battle for Santos and his mother, Leticia.  I recently received a message from her, stating that Santos has not been doing so well lately.  He has been having trouble eating and is in hospice care.  I would humbly ask that you would visit Leticia’s Facebook page ( to leave loving words of support, and that you would visit Santos’ CaringBridge page ( if you would like to like to donate to their family.

Like most people, watching children suffer is, without a doubt, the worst thing one can imagine.  There are so many children who are struggling in our local community.  In spite of our reservations, I believe we all must do what we can to encourage these little ones while there’s still time.  For Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of Heaven belongs to such as these.”  You can help fill their hearts with love, peace, and joy.  May this be a reminder of how grateful we should be for our own good health and that of our family.

I want to say “thank you” to my supporters for having made it possible for me to meet so many life-changing individuals such as Santos and his family.  I want you all to know how much of a difference you make in the lives of others.

To your inspiration,



A Tribute to Some Friends

This is Ron with your Motivational Message:

I will begin by stating what I have said in the past, “it’s not the circumstance, situation, past or present problems that truly matter; it’s how you handle them.”  I realized that sometimes it’s easier to say than to put it into practice.  Sometimes the problem becomes so overwhelming that we don’t know quite how to handle it, so we give up instead.  I’ve had a few of those experiences in the last couple of years; times when I felt it was not worth the fight.  However, I’ve asked the good Lord for some strength and have shared with friends that inspire me and, lo-and-behold, I make it another day.  So fight the good fight, keep the faith, and don’t give up.

The following video is a word to my friends who have had a similar experience to mine: [youtube]–AyW5iXUw69w&index=1&feature=plcp[/youtube]

If you cannot view video, click here:–AyW5iXUw69w&index=1&feature=plcp

Our problems don’t seem as big sometimes when we see the problems of others.  “I used to complain about not having shoes until I met a man without feet.”

Thank you to those who have stepped in and prayed for us, provided encouragement, and given us financial support.  After some years, I’m still fighting to prove to the Social Security Administration that I really am disabled, so every little bit of support we receive has great value to my family.

To your inspiration,


Lithograph Sale!

Hello, friends,

We were looking through our inventory and couldn’t help but notice these nice larger prints.  As a thank you to all of our friends and supporters, we are offering these prints at a discounted price.  They are high quality lithographs of Ron’s mouthpaintings, and best of all, these prints are some of our largest (25” by 20” for Protect Your Own and 16” by 20” for Eternal Light)!

If you are interested in this special discount, you will need to email us at and let us know which print you would like, the quantity, and how you would like to pay.  Remember, to receive the discount, you must email us–if you try to purchase the prints from our website it will charge you the full amount.  $20.00 per print, free shipping; original value of $45.00!

Eternal Light


Protect Your Own


The Quad-Rocker, Tyler

This is Ron with your Motivational Message:

A few years back I was speaking to a group of newly-injured individuals while I was visiting Denver, Colorado at the Spinal Cord Injury Center in Craig Hospital.  To be honest, I have a very difficult time speaking to young men and women who are facing the same challenges that I have experienced.  I’m not exactly sure what to say and worry that my presence is bittersweet.  They all dream of getting well again and getting back on their feet, but there I sit in front of them, 32 years in a wheelchair.  I want to reassure them that things will get better and that they can overcome these struggles.  As I speak to them, I hope that what I’m saying is encouraging and not discouraging.  In spite of my uneasiness, however, my story did leave hope and inspiration with 17 individuals and their families that day.

As I shared my story, my attention was drawn to a young man who was paralyzed from the neck down and was dependent on a ventilator.  His parents stood close to him during my talk to the patients and Tyler smiled every once in a while when I cracked a stupid joke.  I remember noticing the brightly colored tennis shoes that he wore.  After my presentation I approached Tyler and asked, “hey, dude, where did you get those fancy tennis shoes?”  The ventilator pushed air into his lungs and he responded, “Nike made them for me.”  Tyler was a snowboarder who was moving up quickly and sponsors were getting behind him, including Nike.  He had made it to the United States of America Snowboarding Association (USASA) Nationals when a freak accident occurred.  After an incredible run, the nose of his board had become embedded in the snow and launched him forward into a snow bank.  The packed snow snapped his vertebrae and he was instantly paralyzed from the neck down.  He was only 14 at the time.

We ended up speaking for quite some time and it turned out that he was from Bend, Oregon.  Being Oregonians ourselves, we decided to get together again once Tyler was finished with his rehabilitation.  Over the years, we have met up with each other several times and on every occasion we help inspire one another.  It is encouraging to have friends who are living under similar circumstances and are able to relate to your struggle.  I have inspired and motivated Tyler, and in turn, he has truly been an inspiration to me.

This last weekend, Tyler, his parents, and his girlfriend came by for a visit.  He was excited to introduce his girlfriend and also to show us his project, a van loaded with new high tech equipment.  It was heartwarming to see his girlfriend sit and hold his paralyzed hand.  She was able to look past his paralysis; you could tell their hearts were connected.  The way that they looked at each other was reminiscent of my wife and me when we first got together.

To watch a video of Tyler and his new van:


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You never know when and where God will bring a person into your life that not only inspires you, but reaches you on a deeper level.  Sometimes in our weakest moments, something wonderful will happen.  I’ve had several opportunities to speak at Craig Hospital and each time I’ve experienced a blessing.  I encourage you to go beyond your weakness because it is in that moment that we may change or be changed by the presence of another life. I thank the Lord for bringing our families together and I pray that Tyler will continue to rise above his physical limitations.

To your inspiration,


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