Hello, 2012!

This is Ron with your Motivational Message:

I hope the hustle and bustle of the holiday season has slowed down for each of you as you get ready to settle into a New Year. 

Many of us have encountered hardships this year because of an economy that is in disarray.  It seems as though there have been far too many negative stories regarding the affairs of our world.  However, I pray you saw some light and the goodness that is in this world too.  There are many stories of hope and encouragement, stories like the anonymous angels that paid off layaway bills for people they did not know.  Did you see how one person chooses to be a light and then it spread like a flame all across the United States?  Maybe you could share your light with someone today.  You never know when one small kind gesture could catch on and spread through your community.    

I know that I would like to hear any of your Christmas stories; moments that came through as a bright light in a dark time. 

This year, I had the joy of waking up Christmas morning with my six year old staring me in the face.  Gracie was so excited that Santa had come.  She was thrilled that he had eaten the peanut cluster and drank the milk that she had left for him.  There is something magical about witnessing a child’s enthusiasm and excitement, even when the gifts are not the same as years before.  As she ran through the house I was reminded that Christmas is not about the things that we get but the hearts of those whom we love. 

We were blessed to have Kelli’s parents come up from Nevada for a visit this year, to share the joy of the season and to ring in the New Year together.  Kelli deserves all of the credit for making our house festive and bright.  She not only decorated our home beautifully, but she and the girls cooked a wonderful meal for all of us, filling the air with the sweet aroma of Christmas.  Our entire family found the light and the love of one another.

I hope that each of you is able to find some hope, love and light as we enter 2012. 

Thank you for your prayers and support,


As 2012 approaches, we are hoping to increase our number of monthly donors so that we may expand our outreach.  No gift is too small, as any expansion will be of great benefit.  We thank you in advance for your consideration, and for being a part of our team.

To donate to Never Give Up: https://www.ronheagy.com/donate-never-give-up.php

To donate to Ron and Family: https://www.ronheagy.com/donate-ron-heagy.php

“Goodnight, Sister”

This is Ron with your Motivational Message:

Thinking back over the Christmas’ that I experienced as a child, I recall the present which caught my brother, my sister, and me by surprise: a pair of boxing gloves.  I think I was 12, at the time.  I was the oldest, and of course, the strongest, so this idea seemed exciting; almost like we had been given permission to hit each other.  We were constantly in trouble for fighting, so I think my parents were desperately trying to soften the blows.

With our new gift, my brother, sister and I would make a game out of punching each other for fun.  Inevitably one of us would get upset, so we started to make up a few rules so that we could enjoy our strange Christmas gift.  The rules: no hitting above the neck, or below the waist.

My brother, Mike, was four years younger than me, so he was the most fun to spar with because it was so easy.  My sister, Pennie, on the other hand was the feisty one and many times could get one in on me that would truly hurt.  Penny and I arranged a boxing match.  She got mad and at some point swung a little lower than the waist.  The hit doubled me up and I felt my anger burn.  I looked up and made the statement, “Goodnight, Sister,” as I made a quick jab for her forehead.  I made a connection that I didn’t expect and she fell to the floor hard.  I immediately felt terrible and leaned over, yelling “are you all right?”  Thank the Lord that she was.  It was at that moment that I realized how much I loved my sister. 

I am sure that you can guess that our boxing gloves found a new home shortly after that incident.  I suppose my parents had no idea that their gift would end up making me realize that yes, I did love my siblings.  Unexpected miracles happen during Christmas.  I hope you can find a few too!

Christmas is about the birth of the Lord, Jesus and bringing hope and love into the world.  I hope that during this time you have a chance to reflect on your Christmas memories and share them with your family.  Remember that the true gift of Christmas is the gift of love. 

I wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!  And, don’t forget to spread that holiday cheer!  May you have a Christ-filled Christmas. 

To your inspiration,


To donate to Never Give Up: https://www.ronheagy.com/donate-never-give-up.php

To donate to Ron and Family: https://www.ronheagy.com/donate-ron-heagy.php

Happy Birthday, Kelli!

This is Ron with your Motivational Message:

On December 19th, we will celebrate my wife’s birthday.  It is very difficult to have a birthday so close to a big holiday like Christmas.  My wife recalls many times having both her birthday and Christmas gift in one package. 

I created a little video so that you could participate with me in wishing her a happy birthday.  I cannot say enough kind things about my wife, Kelli, to express my gratitude and appreciation for all that she is.  I know my story is impressive, but for someone, such as my wife, to actually choose to accept my disability is unbelievable.  I will forever be thankful for the greatest gift one could possibly give: unconditional love.  Although my wife is not perfect, she has definitely demonstrated selfless love.  

Happy birthday, Kelli!

You are a wonderful person, wife, mother, and friend.  Thank you for who you are and all that you do.  I love you.

Watch me wish my wife a happy birthday:  


…And you can wish her one, too, on Facebook!

To your inspiration,


What Do OSU Students Think of Ron?

This is Ron with your Motivational Message:

On NBC’s, “The Voice,” the contestants are hidden from the view of the judges while they audition.  The judges must listen and form an opinion based only on ability, and not on the outside appearance of the contestant.  The judgment on each contestant is solely based on based hearing the music that radiates from the soul of each singer.  It amazes me how quickly and easily we can judge others sometimes—we let our first impressions stifle our growth.  I am also guilty of judging people based on my first impression.  I have missed out on great people because I too, am distracted by what I see.  I need to be reminded that people have more to offer than how they might appear on the outside. 

I recently had an opportunity to share what my life was like as a quadriplegic to a group of undergraduates and a group of graduate students at Oregon State University.  One professor, Dr. Megan McDonald, asked her students to respond to my presentation in writing, detailing how they felt when they first saw me and after I finished speaking.  Following are a few of their thoughts:

“My initial reaction when I first saw Ron was I was excited to get to know him, but also very intimidated.  As I started learning more it brought tears to my eyes for many aspects.  I wanted to call my brother and tell him I love him, I was embarrassed for ever complaining about a “bad” day or the “struggles” I face in my life.  Nothing is really that hard or bad after hearing you talk.”

“Asking us our thoughts, what we think about what you can do and what you have accomplished pushed everyone out of their comfort zone.  I thought this was a very important concept to get across to everyone and to make us see that, not only do we observe and make assumptions about individuals who use wheelchairs, but that you make observations on how we perceive you.”

“When he first came in, I wasn’t really sure how to react when he was making jokes.  As we got more into the talk, though, I became relaxed…I used to get upset if I had a bad workout—how dumb!  I am learning to be grateful just to be able to work out.  It has honestly given me a new approach, as a hypothetical new pair of glasses, to look at the world with.”

“When first seeing Ron I thought about his wheelchair and wondered what bound him to it.  …It was not until you started telling stories that I stopped looking at the chair and started looking just at you.”

“When he first came into class I did feel uncomfortable just because I have never met a quadriplegic before but that feeling soon went away after we got to know him.”

Your first impression could change the course of your future.  You could include or preclude any person that you meet and determine who could be in your future.  If I would have followed some of my initial reactions, I would have missed out on people like Kevin and Daniel Webster Doe who were two individuals that I would have normally rolled right past.   If you know my story, you know they changed the course of my life.  I pray that I continue to keep my eyes, ears, and heart open to those that God brings into my life.  Lord, help me to see past the surface and into the hearts of people.  I hope that you and your family had a happy Thanksgiving.  We enjoyed hosting 18 family members, but goodness; it was tough on my wife!  Like always, though, she pulled it off and it was an awesome holiday.

To your inspiration,


As a special “thank you” for any end of the year tax deductible gift made to Never Give Up, you will receive a Kevin’s Pal at no charge.

Kevin’s Pals can also be purchased separately—these plush smiley faces make wonderful gifts for any age and celebrate Kevin’s life.  Each Pal is accompanied by a card with Kevin’s picture and inspiring words about him.  To purchase a Kevin’s Pal, please visit: https://www.ronheagy.com/shop-rollonron-smileys.php

To donate to Never Give Up: https://www.ronheagy.com/donate-never-give-up.php

To donate to Ron and Family: https://www.ronheagy.com/donate-ron-heagy.php

Gracie and Ron

From a 6 year old’s perspective:

Obviously, the apple didn’t fall far from the tree.  Blessed by your prayers–it takes courage and patience to be a good father.  Also, where would we be without a mother’s love?  I say that because mothers seem to be able to do everything.  Go Mom’s!  Go Dads!  Go Green Bay!

 To your inspiration,

Ron and Gracie 🙂

Gas is a good thing!

Wow! Is It Really Thanksgiving?

Ron hung his balloons up just for you…

May you be blessed!

See his short video:


A Message of Thanks from the Heagy’s

 Happy Thanksgiving!

Clockwise from left: Gracie, Roni, Mattie, myself, Kelli, and Jessie

As we prepare for Thanksgiving, I am reminded of those individuals that have been so important to me.  I can truly say that we have been blessed, even though at times it has been very difficult.  My mind and heart choose to focus on the things that I am most grateful for and I want to thank you for being a part of my family and life. 

Over the past 32 years, I have had the privilege of inspiring many people with my message of hope.  But more importantly, Thanksgiving is a time to show appreciation for faith, family, friends, and finances.  I realize how much of the things in life consume my attention and the ones I just plain take for granted.  How insignificant are the material things without people to enjoy, love and laugh with. 

My faith has sustained me for 30-some years, and my trust in God has given me great hope though the darkest times.  I would not be who I am if it were not for God’s gracious gifts through Christ.    

My family, whom I love with all of my heart, amazes me.  My wife’s love for me goes beyond my comprehension.  She takes care of my family and all of the aspects of being a wife.  Her unconditional love for me, a complete quadriplegic, ensures that all of my basic needs are met 24 hours a day.  I thank Kelli “for getting me out of bed so my family and friends can be inspirationally and motivationally fed.”

Our girls are growing up quickly; Gracie has started first grade and is already smarter than her dad.  Roni and Mattie are in middle school and are real social butterflies—their teachers love them.  Jessie is a senior in high school now and is creatively finding her place as an adult while pursuing college and her singing career. 

I am truly grateful for my friends; those of you that always have the right words at the right moments.  Words cannot express my gratitude I have for the time, energy, and resources you sacrificed to help my wheelchair roll down the road.  Thank you for what you have given on behalf of my family and those that hear my message.

I recently spoke to a class of undergraduates at Oregon State University; students who may soon be the educators of tomorrow.  Following my presentation, I spoke to individuals who now have a personal experience with someone who has achieved much in life despite their disability.  This, in turn, may change their view of children and adults with disabilities from individuals who have limited potential to individuals that have limitless possibilities. 

Your gifts over the past year have made it possible for us to not only pay the bills but to share the message.  Praise God for the donations that have sustained us during the rough times of my health challenges.  Because of the cost required to get the message out, it is incredibly important that we have the initial funds to start up another great year of inspiration.  My friend, if you have a little extra to spare this season, please consider your Never Give Up ministry by visiting: https://www.ronheagy.com/donate-never-give-up.php or write to:

Never Give Up

P.O. Box 972

Albany, OR 97321

As a special “thank you” for any end of the year tax deductible gift made to Never Give Up, you will receive a Kevin’s Pal at no charge.

Kevin’s Pals can also be purchased separately—these plush smiley faces make wonderful gifts for any age and celebrate Kevin’s life.  Each Pal is accompanied by a card with Kevin’s picture and inspiring words about him.  To purchase a Kevin’s Pal, please visit: https://www.ronheagy.com/shop-rollonron-smileys.php

To your inspiration,

Ron, Kelli, and Family

Ron’s Hero

This is Ron with your Motivational Message:

If you haven’t heard me tell this story, it is one of my favorites to tell.  This story is about my experience with Kevin, a young man paralyzed from his nose down. 

Although Kevin has since gone to be with the Lord, I continue to share his story.  It was one of my “bad attitude moments” when I wasn’t sure that I was doing the right thing with my life.  I was tired and worn out from travelling and speaking and had contemplated giving up my speaking career to get a real job that could make me some money.  It was my last speech of the day, and I wasn’t feeling particularly positive. 

I could see a young man approaching my direction being pushed by his assistant.  I nudged my chin control over to meet him.  “Hi, my name is Ron.”  His assistant said, “Hello, this is Kevin.”  Kevin stared at me with his soul-searching eyes as if he understood my very thoughts.  “Hey, Kevin, how old are you?” I asked.  “He’s thirteen,” the assistant responded.  Looking straight at Kevin I asked him how he ended up in a wheelchair.  His assistant replied, “He was born this way.”  I immediately wanted to know how disabled he was.  My conversation continued with my focus on Kevin because he was the one I actually wanted to speak to.  All of the words that told Kevin’s story and thoughts came from the mouth of his assistant.  “Kevin has full use of his mind, but he is paralyzed from the nose down.”  “Nose down?” I asked.  “You can’t use your mouth?”  “No, he has feeling only from the nose down, no movement, otherwise.”  Kevin had never tasted chocolate or had a Pepsi.  He could not tell his mother that he loved her; all of his expression was in his eyes and forehead, but oh, the thousands of words that he conveyed.  That moment changed my life.

Kevin’s assistant went on to tell me that I was Kevin’s hero.  Kevin looked up to me, I was an example for his life and I wanted to give up my speaking career!  “What is my motivation in life,” I thought?  I would hope that it would be helping other people, inspiring individuals such as Kevin to take what they have and make the best of it.  Later, I met Kevin’s mother.  I asked, during our conversation, what Kevin wished he could do more than anything else.  I expected an answer such as “visit Disneyland” or “meet my favorite celebrity,” instead she said, “Kevin just wishes he could smile.  Honestly, he can’t understand how so many people who can smile choose not to.”  Well, Kevin, I know that God has given you the most awesome smile in Heaven!  I hope that you get to smile as much as you have always wanted. 

In memory of my friend, Kevin

In addition to God giving Kevin his smile, he also sent us the best gift of all…his son Jesus Christ.  It is this time of year that I feel even more thankful for being blessed with so many wonderful people like Kevin.  As my family prepares to celebrate Thanksgiving and Christmas, one of the ornaments that we enjoy most is a special stuffed Smiley Pal in memory of Kevin. 

As a special “thank you” for any end of the year tax deductible gift that you may be able to send to our NEVER GIVE UP charity, we would love to give you one of our “Kevin’s Pals” for your family’s Christmas tree at no charge.   It is our hope that when you receive this gift, you can share Kevin’s story with your children.  You just may find that they will appreciate their gifts and even smile more!   🙂   To donate to Never Give Up,  visit: https://www.ronheagy.com/donate-never-give-up.php or send a check made payable to Never Give Up to P.O. Box 972, Albany, OR 97321. 

Kevin’s Pals can also be purchased separately—they make wonderful gifts for any age and celebrate Kevin’s life (we like to call them “stocking stuffers with a story!”).  Each Pal is accompanied by a card with Kevin’s picture and inspiring words about him.  To purchase a Kevin’s Smiley Pal, please visit: https://www.ronheagy.com/shop-rollonron-smileys.php or send a check to the P.O. Box listed above.

We love you all and wish you and your family a safe and blessed Thanksgiving.

With an attitude of gratitude and to your inspiration,


To donate to Never Give Up: https://www.ronheagy.com/donate-never-give-up.php

To donate to Ron and Family: https://www.ronheagy.com/donate-ron-heagy.php

“Real Steel”

This is Ron with your Motivational Message:

When I first heard of the movie, “Real Steel,” I immediately thought of my 300lb wheelchair full of wires, steel, and lead and the wonderful experiences that I have when I’m at the airport (think: metal detectors!).  Most of the time, the security personnel have little idea what to do with me.  Even though I have a strap across my chest and arms, they will proceed to ask me if I can lean forward and move myself out of the chair.  My response is always, “well, I can’t move from my neck down,” and then I sense their confusion.  They’ll brief me: “Sir, I will have to search you using my hands.  I will flip my hands over and use the backs when searching personal areas” (whatever THAT means—it’s still touching!)  Aside from that, generally, the process is not too awful because I will talk to them and try to connect with them while they search around my chair of steel.  However, sometimes hand lotion or road tar (for the wheels) will get us pulled aside and we’re greeted by a team of inspectors.  That’s why I consider myself, at least in an airport, the man with “real steel.”  This leads me to my short video, “What is Real Steel?”


(If video does not appear, click here: http://www.youtube.com/user/rollonron#p/a/u/0/tl-XWCexixQ )

In our age of technology, sometimes we choose texting over verbal communication, machines over manpower, and pre-set programming over free will.  God did not create us to live isolated from one another, dependent on technology; he gave us free will and the ability to connect emotionally and psychologically.  The gifts that God has given us: a soul, free will, love, and humor, outshine all technology.  We need to rely less on expensive innovations and more on the gifts that God has been so wonderful to bless us with. 

To your inspiration,


To donate to the Never Give Up: https://www.ronheagy.com/donate-never-give-up.php

To donate to Ron and Family: https://www.ronheagy.com/donate-ron-heagy.php

“Bro, Don’t Let Go!”

This is a Motivational Message that I wrote when I was in the hospital not too long ago, just haven’t gotten around to uploading it yet. 🙂

This is Ron with your Motivational Message:

As I sit here in the hospital, I realize that most everything is out of my control and in the hands of doctors and nurses.  So, instead of telling you about another hospital experience, I wanted to tell you about the time that I went skiing, post-paralysis.

I was given the opportunity to speak at a fundraiser for the Colorado-based National Sports Center for the Disabled.  It turned out that the reward for giving the speech would be a free day of skiing in Winter Park.  I couldn’t help but think, “how in the world am I going to manage to ski?  Will I be in a toboggan that someone will push around the parking lot?”  I was wrong, of course—I was put into a “sit-ski,” which could be compared to a dog-sled; where a trained professional would ski behind me holding me upright and steering me down the slopes.  I was pretty sure that there was no way that I was going to entrust my life to a stranger; should they let go, I would be freefalling off some icy cliff crashing to my death!

In the end, I decided to suck it up and be brave, especially after I had watched several young children, with their unflinching faith and eager smiles softly skiing from side to side down the scenic mountain slope.  That next day they bundled me up and transferred me from the wheelchair to the sit-ski that had, from what I could tell, no balance without the assistance of another person.  The guides duct taped my hands together to prevent them from flopping out during the ride down the mountain.  My heart raced as two people lifted me off the ground so I could be slung in the air and onto the ski lift chair.  I teetered back and forth and as I said to myself, “you’re an idiot.”  Unfortunately, it was too late for me to turn back.  I was literally dumped off of the lift and landed at the top of the mountain, where we started to make our way down.  I yelled, “bro, don’t…let…go!”  It was so cold that my teeth started chattering, and believe it or not, my leg bag ended up freezing.  Within a few minutes, my fear was replaced by excitement and the feeling of freedom.  No wheelchair, just me and the slope.  Wouldn’t you know that I ended up going up the lift and skiing down the mountain several times?

More often than not, it’s good to relinquish control and trust others because we cannot always accomplish all that we want on our own.  I have come to understand that in my own life it takes a team; I need others that are better equipped than I am to complete certain tasks.  When I finally put my trust in the man who had my back, I was able to see the beauty and enjoy the experience.   If I had been set on not trusting my guide I would not have been able experience the joy and freedom of skiing.  That encounter relieved my fear of being out of control.  There is probably a fear that you have that has been holding you back—perhaps you have been too afraid to let someone take the reins because that would mean you are no longer the one in control.  If you do have a fear, I urge you to relax a little and let someone take over for a while.  Trusting others can be one of our greatest tools for accomplishing goals. 

I found a Bible verse in Proverbs that also helped me:

Proverbs v. 3, 5, 6: Trust in the Lord with all of your heart, and do not rely on your own understanding.  Acknowledge him and he will direct your path.

Also, a little greeting from the girls…

Roni and Gracie in costume!

To your inspiration,


A big thank-you to all that have helped out during this rough spot–I will be back on the road soon! 

To donate to the Never Give Up Ministry: https://www.ronheagy.com/donate-never-give-up.php

To donate to Ron and Family: https://www.ronheagy.com/donate-ron-heagy.php

The Wake-Up Call From God

This is Ron with your Motivational Message:

A few years back, I received a phone call from “Mr. Chis” (Mr. Chris Chisholm).  “Ron, I heard you were in town and I’d like to get together with you and talk about how I can help.  I’ve heard you speak in a couple of high schools and I believe in what you’re doing,” he said.  Because of my time constraints that I had in Denver, I was wary of getting together in case it turned out to be just kind words and perhaps would not be the best use of my time.  I quickly thanked him for wanting to help, but the truth was, that I was too busy.  His response surprised me, “I’ll come to where ever you’re at.”

My family was excited to got to Six Flags the following day, but of course, I was not as excited.  I could not ride the rollercoasters safely, so I offered to meet with  Chris at Six Flags while Kelli and the girls enjoyed the rides.  I sat there until a stranger rode up on a motorcycle with a big, goofy smile.  His first statement to me after our greeting was, “God woke me up in the middle of the night and told me that I needed to help you.”  “Red flag!” I thought.  I had not thought of an escape plan, in the event that this meeting took a strange direction (such as hearing voices in the night!).  So I sat there and listened.  We spoke for about an hour and by that time my bias towards this motorcycle dude was completely blown to pieces.  Not only was he genuine, but he was my kind of guy.  We hit it off–we fit together like macaroni and cheese.

Chris has not only been a huge blessing in my life, but has become one of my dearest friends.  And no, he was not hearing  voices, but he did wake up with my name ringing in his ear.

This last week, I was feeling bummed because I haven’t been able to work like I used to.  My health keeps throwing things my way!  Looking for a pick-me-up, I called my buddy.  Come to find out, he was having a tough week, himself, so we encouraged each other.  Just as we were about to hang up, Chris told me that he was challenged by someone to think of a story that made a positive impact on his life.  Because he found it so helpful, he went home that day and asked his kids the same question.  He proceeded to tell me that his oldest boy said, “out of all the stories that I’ve heard, Dad, Ron Heagy’s story that he gave at the school about the pelican pooping on his head but still maintaining a good attitude through it was the best story.”  Chris reminded me that statements like his son’s and hundreds of others are the reason why he believed that God woke him up that night.  I responded by telling him that, “God woke you up so that we could inspire each other.”

Hey, guys, let’s be honest–we need to be able to talk freely with our buddies.  I feel so much better after spilling my guts to a friend.  If you haven’t done so recently, give your friends a call.  It might just ignite your passion and enthusiasm and motivate you to keep on keepin’ on.

I would like to thank you, the reader, for your friendship and support.  Feel free to email me.  Life is tough, but when someone is there for you to lean on our burdens become lighter.

To your inspiration,

Ron Heagy

To donate to Ron and Family: https://www.ronheagy.com/donate-ron-heagy.php

To donate to Never Give Up: https://www.ronheagy.com/donate-never-give-up.php