This is Ron with your Motivational Message:
“My son took a gun and put it to his head and pulled the trigger…” I felt my heart nearly jump out of my chest when I heard those words. I could see the raw emotion on her face as she told me her story.
Have you ever been in a situation where someone shared a story that left you speechless, your eyes welling up?
We are truly living in a society where shocking and horrific things have little impact on our emotional wellbeing. We are exposed to violence on a regular basis, whether through movies and television or the news. The media seems to be bent on filling our heads with negativity whenever possible, desensitizing us to the human struggle. However, when you’re faced with a real human it’s difficult to remain numb.
I recently had the opportunity to present to a group of nearly 1100 middle schoolers. The gymnasium was packed to my left, to my right, and with even more kids the floor in front of me. It was loud and busy, but as I rolled to the microphone, the crowd became deafeningly silent. I shared my challenges, my perspective, and my attitude which helped me overcome the odds. I told them how belief in God, myself, and others allowed me to change how I saw the world. I like to call it the ABC’s in Overcoming Limitations. The students laughed, cried and celebrated the victory as I dramatically narrated my life. Hundreds of students passed by my table following the speech, many of them stopping to thank me and share their own struggles.
As I was finishing up a mother approached me. “I wanted to let you know, Mr. Heagy, that your speech empowered me.” I could sense something was on her mind. “My son recently put a gun to his head and pulled the trigger. He spent months in intensive care and rehabilitation. Even though he has some challenges he now loves life and speaks to kids about bullying and depression. I wish he would have asked for help, at the same time, it changed my son’s life and now he is changing others.” It’s funny how God can turn things around.
I must admit five years ago I faced the demons of depression. Like this young man, I felt helpless and hopeless, particularly because I’m supposed to be the “positive attitude dude.” If you’re struggling with depression or know someone who is, encourage conversation and get help. It’s like traveling into a deep cave; the further you go in the harder it is to find your way out.
As I wrote this, unbeknownst to me, my 10 year old daughter had her first bullying experience. After typing this blog I left to pick her up from school. When I arrived, her sensitive little heart opened up and she tearfully told me that she had been bullied by an older girl. I let her talk and shared in her pain. I asked her what she thought we should do and surprisingly she had the answer. It was not the time for me to be a tough dad, thank God I wasn’t. Her mother and I dealt with the issue right away so that Gracie felt 100% loved, supported, and cherished. Isn’t that what we all need?
You can’t do anything about the past, but we can actively take responsibility for the future.
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To your inspiration,
Remember to love!